The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2002

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2 December 2002 (v1.32)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.F.55 FTB advance rate (FTB) Clarified the definition of FTB advance rate.
1.1.L.25 Legislative rate of FTB Added definition of legislative rate of FTB/CCB.
1.1.N.50 Notional rate of FTB/CCB Added new definition. Calculating FTB Bereavement Payment Added information on application of notional rates of FTB to bereavement payment.
4.3.1 Choice of Delivery Method for FTB Added information on payment options for instalment customers.
4.3.10 Continuous adjustment of FTB Added new section.
4.3.11 Deferring Payment of FTB Added new section. Change in Delivery Method Added new topic.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 4 November 2002 (v1.31)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.E.10 Effective Claim (FTB) Amended definition of 'not effective' claim.
3.6.1 FTB Part A - Historical Rates Updated historical rates.
3.6.2 FTB Rent Assistance - Historical Rates & Thresholds Updated historical rates.
3.6.3 FTB Part B - Historical Rates Updated historical rates.
3.6.4 MAT & MIA - Historical Rates Updated historical rates. Claim Action 7 - Claim Made Too Late Updated information on bereavement claims and past period claims. Outcomes of Non-lodger Process Clarified information on when the customer responds to contact by FAO.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 8 October 2002 (v1.30)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
3.2.4 Target Foreign Income Updated foreign exchange rates.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 20 September 2002 (v1.29)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.I.10 Immunisation requirement (MIA, CCB) Added that a specified class exempted by the Minister from being immunised will need to provide something in writing to show that they belong to that specified class.
1.1.S.45 Severe financial hardship Expanded severe financial hardship guidelines. Rent Assistance Updated RA amounts for 20 September CPI.
3.3 Maternity Allowance (MAT) Rate Updated rate for 20 September CPI. Capacity to Pay a Debt Clarified meaning of capacity to pay a debt. Waiving a Debt Arising from Administrative Error Amended section on severe financial hardship.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2 September 2002 (v1.28)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.2 Descriptions of Payments Amended the introduction.
1.2.1 Family Tax Benefit (FTB) - Description Clarified description of FTB.
1.2.2 Maternity Allowance (MAT) - Description Clarified description of MAT.
1.2.3 Maternity Immunisation Allowance (MIA) - Description Clarified description of MIA.
1.3 Family Assistance Office Clarified description of FAO.
1.4.1 Beneficial Administration of the Act Clarified policy.
1.4.2 Privacy & Confidentiality Added description of the Privacy Manual. Duty of Care Clarified policy.
1.4.4 Liability of Decision Makers Added details regarding FAO as authoritative source. Foster Care Clarified policy.
2.4.1 Eligibility for MAT Changed wording in 'Death of a child before payment is made'.
2.5 Eligibility for MIA Amended eligibility criterion table for MIA. Shared Rate of FTB for Separated Couple Clarified percentage of care for a past period. Calculating FTB Part B Amended standard rate where there are shared care FTB children.
3.2.3 Adjusted Fringe Benefits Updated dates. TFN Requirements for Non-residents New topic. Specific Requirements for Past Period Claim Added details regarding last day to lodge a claim.
4.6.2 Approved Care CCB - Individual's Claim Clarified last date for claiming.
6.2 Internal Reviews Updated details of date of effect of favourable decision for FAO initiated review.
7.2.7 Debt Recovery by Garnishee Added garnishee of term deposits.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 5 August 2002 (v1.27)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Residence Requirements Clarified special category visa information.
2.6.1 CCB Eligibility Criteria for Individuals Amended information on salary sacrificing and CCB eligibility. Current FTB Rates & Income Test Amounts Updated rates.
3.1.2 FTB Rate for ACO's Updated rates. Method 1 - Calculating the Maximum Rate of FTB Part A Updated rates. Reasonable Maintenance Action Completed Updated MAT action for private collect customers and non-payment of arrears following retrospective reassessments. Exemptions from the Maintenance Action Test Added another circumstance to general exemptions. Role of the AILO & Social Worker Updated details of social worker's role. Specific Requirements for Bereavement Claim Clarified why an ACO cannot make a bereavement claim.
4.4.8 Review of FTB - Child Turning 16, 18 or 21 Updated rates. CCB Entitlement Variations - Individuals Using and Approved Service - Dates of Effect for Particular Changes in Circumstances. Updated table to reflect that CCB claims can be backdated up to a maximum of 28 calendar days. Non-Lodger Process Updated to reflect the revised non-lodger process. Outcomes of Non-Lodger Process Updated to reflect the revised non-lodger process.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 1 July 2002 (v1.26)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.D.75 Designated child support child (FTB) New key term in relation to recovery of child support debts from FTB.
1.1.I.70 Income thresholds (CCB) Updated thresholds for the 2002/03 financial year.
1.1.M.27 Maximum weekly benefit (CCB) Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year.
1.1.M.30 Maximum weekly entitlement (CCB) Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year.
1.1.S.100 Standard Hourly Rate (CCB) Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year. When Maintenance Action is not Applicable Updated policy. Relevant Period Updated information on start and end of the relevant period. Updated information on gaps in the relevant period.
3.2.1 Adjusted Taxable Income - General Provisions Added details regarding annualising income when customer dies during an income year.
3.5.1 CCB Entitlement - General Provisions Updated with income threshold for the 2002/03 financial year. Calculating the Approved Care Adjustment Percentage Updated rates for the 2002/03 financial year. Calculating the Approved Care Taxable Income Percentage Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year. Calculating the Approved Care Multiple Child Percentage Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 1 Child, Income below Upper Threshold Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 4 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 2 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Updated with rates for the 2002/03 financial year.
3.6.1 Part A - Historical Rates Revised FTB child income threshold historical rates. CCB - Historical Standard Hourly Rate Added rates for the 2002/03 financial year. CCB - Historical Income Thresholds Added thresholds for the 2002/03 financial year. CCB - Historical Maximum Weekly Benefit Added with rates for the 2002/03 financial year. CCB - Historical Maximum Weekly Entitlement Added with rates for the 2002/03 financial year.
4.6.2 Approved Care CCB - Individual's Claim Amended backdating of new claims by a service.
7.4 Child Support Debts Added new chapter on recovery of child support debts from FTB.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 3 June 2002 (v1.25)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.I.50 Income support payment Added to act references.
1.1.M.70 Multiple Child Percentage (CCB) Clarified the application of the multiple child rate. Temporary Absence from Australia Added act reference: FA Act section 63(A). Australian Residency Exceptions for CCB Added details on hardship exception. Eligibility Requirements for Up to 50 Hours CCB Clarified information on people received CA for a disabled child. Relevant Period Changed example for 'end of the relevant period'.
4.6.3 Registered Care CCB - Individual's Claim Added act reference: FA(Admin) Act section 49K. Waiving a Debt Arising from Administrative Error Clarified waiver of administrative error proportion of a debt.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 6 May 2002 (v1.24)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
6.2 Internal Reviews Clarified that decisions regarding estimates of income not reviewable until verified income is known.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 8 April 2002 (v1.23)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Residence Requirements Replaced details of exceptions to residence requirements for CCB with link to new topic
2.6.2 CCB Eligibility Exceptions Divided into three topics and updated policy. FTB Child Exceptions for CCB New topic clarifies policy previously found in 2.6.2 Australian Residency Exceptions for CCB New topic clarifies policy previously found in 2.6.2 Immunisation Exceptions for CCB New topic clarifies policy previously found in 2.6.2 Eligibility Requirements for up to 50 Hours CCB Updated exceptions table. Summary of the Maintenance Action Test Clarified meaning of child support. Determining Which Stage of the CSS Applies Updated policy. Who is Entitled to Apply for Maintenance New topic. Taking Reasonable Maintenance Action Clarified who is required to take maintenance action. Non-resident Parent is Overseas Updated list of countries with reciprocal child support arrangements. Revised Estimates Added information on revised/updated estimates. TFN Requirements for CCB Added requirement to provide partner's TFN when claiming CCB. Determining an FTB Claim Added details regarding reclaiming FTB where initial claim rejected due to income.
4.3.6 Payment to a Third Party Clarified circumstances where payment can be made to instalment nominee and added further examples of evidence that claimant is incapable of dealing with financial affairs.
4.5.2 Determination of MAT & MIA Claims Updated policy regarding customers who reapply for MAT.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 20 March 2002 (v1.22)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.F.02 Family assistance Added new section - definition of family assistance.
1.1.F.57 FTB Child Rate Included rationale why rate decreases when child turns 16. Rent Assistance Updated RA amounts for 20 March CPI. Calculating FTB Part B Added rationale why rate reduces when child turns 5.
3.3 Maternity Allowance (MAT) Rate Amended rate for 20 March 2002 indexation. Specific Requirements for Past Period Claim Clarified past period claim is ineffective if revised estimate provided.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 4 March 2002 (v1.21)

Topic No. Topic Title Change FTB Child of and Individual Added policy regarding natural parent's new partner deemed to have an FTB child. Rent Assistance Amended RA rates and rent amounts, clarified relevant shared carer, and added example of rate to apply. Informal Claim Amended to apply to past period as well as instalment claims. Death of Customer Clarified treatment of income received by deceased customer after date of death. Death of Child Clarified policy in respect of debts for deceased children.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 4 February 2002 (v1.20)

There were no policy changes for this release.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 7 January 2002 (v1.19)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.E.50 Exceptional Circumstances Clarified policy.
1.1.I.70 Income thresholds (CCB) Added reference to historical income thresholds.
1.1.M.27 Maximum weekly benefit (CCB) Added reference to historical maximum weekly benefit.
1.1.M.30 Maximum weekly entitlement (CCB) Added reference to historical weekly entitlement.
1.1.S.15 School child, non-school child Added to list of primary school child.
1.1.S.95 Specific taper amount Clarified policy.
1.1.S.100 Standard hourly rate (CCB) Added reference to historical rates.
1.1.T.40 Taxable income taper percentage (CCB) Clarified policy.
2.6.1 CCB Eligibility Criteria for Individuals Clarified criteria for eligibility for registered care. Temporary absence from Australia Added scenario where customer and child both overseas.
2.6.2 CCB Eligibility Exceptions - FTB Child, Residency & Immunisation Clarified CCB eligibility exceptions - FTB child. Eligibility Requirement for up to 50 Hours CCB Changed topic title and updated policy. Deleted - see topic Removed content, added link to Deleted - see topic Removed content, added link to Deleted - see topic Removed content, added link to Eligibility Requirement for More than 50 Hours CCB Changed topic title and updated policy. Deleted - see topic Removed content, added link to FTB during Absence from Australia Added scenario where customer and child both absent from Australia. Calculating FTB Part B Updated policy.
3.6 Historical Rates Added new section, 3.6.5, detailing historical CCB rates.
3.6.4 MAT & MIA - Historical Rates Added MAT rate from 20/9/2001
4.6.3 Registered Care CCB - Individual's Claim Clarified policy. General Provisions for CCB Variations - Individuals Added change the way families receive CCB to list of events to be notified to the FAO. CCB Entitlement Variations Clarified policy. CCB Entitlement Cancellation - Individuals using an Approved Service New topic. Death of partner Updated policy regarding deceased partner's income.