The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

1.1.I.140 Ineligible homeowner


In the SSAct, ineligible homeowners are defined as homeowners whose principal home cannot be disregarded under the temporary vacation of property or care situation provisions. The SSAct also defines these terms.

Ineligible homeowners do NOT include people who pay for the use of a site or structure, including rights to moor a vessel, that is their principal home.

If one member of a couple is an ineligible homeowner, then both partners are ineligible homeowners.

Act reference: SSAct section 13(1)-'ineligible homeowner', section 13(9)-'in a care situation', section 11(4) Homeowner

Policy reference: SS Guide Ineligible homeowners & RA, Determining Homeowners & Non-homeowners, 1.1.C.15 Care definitions

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