The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Benefits payable under the Agreement with Portugal

Benefits payable

Article 2 of the Agreement with Portugal lists the Australian and Portuguese benefits covered by the Agreement.

Australian benefits covered

The Australian benefits covered are:

  • age pension
  • DSP, for the severely disabled
  • CP (to people residing in Portugal who are caring for a partner in receipt of Age or DSP)
  • pensions payable to legal (de jure) widows or those who meet the definition of 'dependent female' (PPS)
  • additional child amounts, and
  • double orphan pension.

Note: Although listed as Australian benefits covered in Article 2 of the Agreement, from 20 March 2020, WP, WidB and BVA ceased. Recipients of these payments were transferred to another payment, such as Age, where eligible.

Portuguese benefits covered

The Portuguese benefits covered under the general schemes are:

  • Portuguese old age pension
  • Portuguese invalidity pension
  • Portuguese survivor's pension and Portuguese death grant
  • Portuguese sickness and maternity benefits
  • Portuguese unemployment benefits
  • Portuguese funeral grant
  • supplement for care, and
  • Portuguese family allowance for children and young people of pensioners.

The agreement also covers Portuguese benefits:

  • paid under legislation relating to work injuries and occupational diseases, and
  • covered under the non-contributory scheme (to people residing in Portugal).

In addition to the above benefits, a spouse supplement may be paid to an age or invalid pensioner in respect of a dependent spouse.

Note: Benefit, for Portugal, means a pension, benefit or allowance payable under Portuguese legislation as specified in Article 2 of the Agreement. More information on benefits under Portuguese Law is available from the Portuguese Institute for Social Security website.

Act reference: SS(IntAgree)Act Schedule 9 Portugal

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