The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Shared equipment, multiple pieces of equipment & equipment that moves residence with the user (EMEP)

Equipment - other than heating/cooling equipment

Where one piece of medical equipment is shared by multiple people in the same residence, then only one EMEP is payable in respect of that equipment in that residence.

Example: Two people residing in the same house share the use of a single suction pump - one EMEP is payable.

Where one person uses more than one piece of medical equipment in their residence, then an EMEP is payable in respect of each piece of equipment.

Example: One person uses both a respirator and a feeding pump in their home - 2 EMEPs are payable.

Where a person uses one piece of equipment in multiple residences, a maximum of 2 payments can be made in respect of that piece of equipment each financial year, regardless of the number of different residences involved.

Example: A shared care child takes their respirator with them when they move between the homes of each parent. Each parent can claim an EMEP in respect of the same respirator - that is 2 EMEPs are payable. However, if the child also sometimes lives with a grandparent, the grandparent cannot also claim a payment as that would constitute 3 payments in respect of one piece of equipment.

Equipment - heating & cooling in a private residence

In the case of private residences, only one heating/cooling EMEP is payable regardless of the number of pieces of equipment, number of people in the household or number of medical conditions being catered for. Where 2 or more people attempt to claim a heating/cooling EMEP for the same residence, whoever claims first will be paid.

Example: One person runs heating/cooling alternately (that is winter/summer) - one EMEP is payable.

Example: Two (or more) people share a house - single heating/cooling system (that is centralised system used throughout the house which benefits both residents simultaneously) - one EMEP is payable.

Example: Two (or more) people share a house - multiple heating/cooling units in house (e.g. one heater in each room), but combined, have same effect as centralised heating/cooling system - one EMEP is payable.

Equipment - heating & cooling in a group home

In the case of group homes, more than one heating/cooling EMEP may be paid where each room/unit is billed separately. In this case, each unit is considered a separate residence.

Example: Each person heats or cools own room and charged separately for this - one EMEP per person is payable.

Example: Entire group home heated or cooled centrally for benefit of all residents and resident charged separately for energy use - one EMEP per person is payable.

Example: Each person heats or cools own room but not charged separately - no EMEP is payable.

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