ACCS (grandparent) - calculation of shared care arrangements
This topic outlines how the percentage of care is determined for ACCS (grandparent) where there is a shared care arrangement.
ACCS (grandparent) calculation of shared care arrangements
Where there is a shared care arrangement, the calculation of the percentage arrangement will generally follow the Services Australia care determination method of calculating shared care arrangements.
Example: Marion and Damien share the care of their grandchild Justin with their daughter, Mandy. Marion and Damien take care of Justin 5 nights a week and Justin returns to his mother for the weekend. This arrangement is formalised in a court order and is in place until Justin turns 18 years old.
Marion or Damien will be eligible for ACCS (grandparent), as long as:
- this court order is in place
- Justin attends child care
- they remain on an income support payment (1.1.I.50).
The calculation of shared care arrangement follows the Services Australia care determination method.
The percentage of care for ACCS (grandparent) may not always follow the percentage established for FTB purposes. This may happen in some cases, where the shared care arrangements may be irregular and/or chaotic. Irregular and unpredictable care on an ongoing basis can still meet the eligibility requirements for ACCS (grandparent). This is because whether or not the grandparent was eligible for ACCS (grandparent) in one fortnight has no direct impact on whether they are eligible in another fortnight.
Policy reference: FA Guide ACCS (grandparent) - relationship with FTB