The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Specific requirements for FTB instalment claims


An FTB instalment claim (1.1.I.100) is made for the current income year. Generally instalments are paid fortnightly in arrears by direct credit. If the applicant is an individual (1.1.I.90), their entitlement is based on their estimated ATI (1.1.A.20) for the current income year. If the applicant is a member of a couple, their entitlement is based on their estimated ATI and their partner's estimated ATI. ACOs (1.1.A.80) are not income tested.

Specific restrictions for FTB instalment claims

An instalment claim cannot be effective (1.1.E.10) if any of the conditions set out in the following table apply. If any condition is met the corrective action outlined in column 2 must be taken.

Specific claim condition If condition is met see …

The applicant has not:

  • nominated a bank account, or
  • provided a statement that they will nominate a bank account within 28 days of making the claim.

Exception: If an exemption is granted account details are not required.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 26A Secretary's power to require bank account details, section 7A(4) Exemption from bank account requirement Claim action 15 - bank details not provided within 28 days

The applicant has already lodged an instalment claim which is yet to be determined.

Explanation: A determination must be made on the claim that has already been made. If the applicant disagrees with a decision, the decision is reviewed.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 9(a) Restrictions on claims for payment of FTB by instalment Claim action 4 - second claim lodged

On the date of the claim, the applicant is already entitled to be paid FTB instalments.

Explanation: An applicant is only entitled to FTB when their eligibility has been assessed and the claim determined.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 9(b) Restrictions on claims for payment of FTB by instalment Claim action 5 - already entitled to FTB instalments

The applicant is not entitled to be paid instalments of FTB at any time up to the end of the income year after the year the decision was made to cancel their payment for one of the following reasons:

  • failure to provide TFN
  • failure to provide bank details
  • failure to provide information
  • failure to notify a change of address
  • estimate of income was not reasonable
  • the FTB child made a claim for a social security benefit (1.1.S.60), pension (1.1.S.90) or a LMP (1.1.L.10), or
  • failure to notify an overseas departure.

Explanation: If a decision to cancel an instalment claim has been made, another instalment claim for that income year cannot be made. The original decision must be reviewed favourably in order to pay FTB for the rest of that income year.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 9 Restrictions on claims for payment of FTB by instalment, section 27 Variation of instalment and past period determinations where failure to provide tax file number, section 27A Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to provide bank account details, section 28A Variation of instalment entitlement determination where estimate of an amount is not reasonable, section 28B Variation of instalment entitlement determination where claim made for another payment type, section 29 Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to provide information, section 30 Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to notify change of address, section 30A Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to notify claimant's departure from Australia, section 30B Variation of instalment entitlement determination where failure to notify FTB or regular care child's departure from Australia Claim action 6 - instalments cancelled in previous income year

Policy reference: FA Guide 4.3.3 Instalments paid by direct credit, 4.2.1 Summary of the FTB claim process

Instalment claim is effective

If the instalment claim is effective it must be determined.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 13(1) Secretary must determine claim

Policy reference: FA Guide 4.2.3 Determination of FTB claim

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