4.7.4 CCS & ACCS absences before child's first attendance or after child's last attendance
Generally, CCS or ACCS will not be paid for any absences before the first day the child physically attends care or for absences after the last day the child physically attends care.
However, there are some circumstances where families can be paid CCS for absences that fall within the extended period.
The extended period begins either:
- 6 days before the first attendance and ends on the first attendance day, or
- on the last day of attendance and ends 6 days after the last attendance day.
CCS can be paid for absences within the extended period in the following circumstances apply:
- the service changed ownership during the extended period
- a family tragedy has occurred (within 28 days before the absence in the extended period)
- the usual service is closed, and the child is attending another service from the same provider
- any of the specified reasons for additional absences (1.1.A.17).
Of the circumstances above, the service changing ownership, usual service is closed, and family tragedy are not additional absence reasons (4.7.2). CCS will be paid for these reasons if the child has not exhausted their 42 allowable absences for the year. Evidence must be provided for any additional absence reason for CCS to be claimed when related to the circumstances outlined above.
A family tragedy could include, but is not limited to:
- serious injury, illness or death of an immediate family member
- the child's carer ceases to be a member of a couple
- the child, a carer, or an immediate member of the family is a victim of a serious crime or domestic violence
- the child's principal home is lost or sustains major damage.
Note: Where a service provider has ended an enrolment by mistake (an administrative error) and has restarted the enrolment, absences in the extended period may be payable. In this scenario, a child's enrolment has not in fact ceased, and provided the other requirements for allowable absences are satisfied, the absence would be an allowable absence.
Act reference: CCSMinRules section 5B Days on which sessions of care are taken to be provided – absences before child's first attendance or after child's last attendance