Obtaining information about debtors
Obtaining information from an individual who owes a debt to the Commonwealth
An authorised officer (1.1.O.10) may request information from an individual (1.1.I.90) who owes a debt (1.1.D.60) to the Commonwealth, including:
- information regarding their personal financial situation
- notification of any change of address within 14 days, or
- a document or documents relevant to their financial situation that is in their control.
Examples: Documents may include:
- bank statements
- property title deeds
- employment details
- financial management and existing loan details, and
- details of share or stock trading activities.
Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 155 Power to obtain information from a person who owes a debt to the Commonwealth, section 76 Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act debts
Policy reference: FA Guide Failure to notify change of address
Obtaining information about an individual who owes a debt to the Commonwealth
An authorised officer may request information or documents from an individual that would help locate another individual, referred to as the debtor, who owes a debt to the Commonwealth, or that is relevant to the debtor's financial situation.
Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 156 Obtaining information about a person who owes a debt to the Commonwealth, section 76 Data-matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act debts