The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Historical rates of DSP for people under 21 years of age without dependent children - July 2000 to present date

Maximum payment rate

Since 1 January 2014 the maximum payment rate of DSP payable to an eligible person who is under 21 years of age and has no dependent children may consist of up to all of the following 5 components:

  • maximum basic rate
  • energy supplement
  • youth disability supplement
  • pharmaceutical allowance, and
  • rent assistance.

For many years the DSP rate payable to a person under 21 years of age without dependent children has been, and still remains, capped at the rate at which a DSP would be payable to that person if that person were over 21 years of age.

Act reference: SSAct section 1066A(3) Rate of DSP (people under 21 who are not blind), section 1066B(2) Rate of DSP (people under 21 who are blind)


On 6 July 2000 MBRs of DSP for persons aged under 21 years without dependent children were aligned with YA rates instead of, as previously, with those for NSA. As YA rates are indexed on 1 January each year, the MBR of DSP for those under 21 without dependent children has been continually re-set equal to the corresponding MBR of YA on 1 January of each year from 2001 onwards. Historical values of the MBR for DSP payable to recipients under 21 years of age without dependent children from July 2000 are set out below. They have been derived from the MBR of YA in table 4 in topic

MBR of DSP for recipients under 21 without dependent children - 6 July 2000 to present date

This table shows the rates in dollars per fortnight (pf).


Single under 18 years, without children, NOT independent and NOT living away from parental home because of a medical condition

($ pf)

Single 18 to 20 years, without children, living at home of parent/s and is NOT independent

($ pf)

Single under 18 years, without children and independent or living away from parental home because of a medical condition
Single 18 to 20 years, without children and NOT living at home of parent/s or is living at home of parent/s but is independent

($ pf)

06/07/2000 153.90 185.00 281.10
01/01/2001 158.80 190.90 290.10
01/01/2002 165.10 198.60 301.70
01/01/2003 169.70 204.20 310.10
01/01/2004 174.30 209.70 318.50
01/01/2005 178.70 214.90 326.50
01/01/2006 183.20 220.30 334.70
01/01/2007 190.50 229.10 348.10
01/01/2008 194.50 233.90 355.40
01/01/2009 203.30 244.40 371.40
01/01/2010 206.30 248.10 377.00
01/01/2011 212.70 255.80 388.70
01/01/2012 220.40 265.00 402.70
01/01/2013 223.00 268.20 407.50
01/01/2014 226.80 272.80 414.40
01/01/2015 233.60 281.00 426.80
01/01/2016 237.10 285.20 433.20
01/01/2017 239.50 288.10 437.50
01/01/2018 244.10 293.60 445.80
01/01/2019 249.20 299.80 455.20
01/01/2020 253.20 304.60 462.50
01/01/2021 253.20 304.60 462.50
01/04/2021 303.20 354.60 512.50
01/01/2022 313.80 367.00 530.40
01/01/2023 332.90 389.40 562.80
20/09/2023 372.90 429.40 602.80
01/01/2024 395.30 455.20 639.00

Energy supplement

The rate of ES payable to a DSP recipient under 21 years of age without dependent children has remained unchanged since the time when this supplementary payment was first made, under the name of clean energy supplement, to such recipients on 1 January 2014. Hence, historical values of that rate are the same as the current rates which can be found in topic

Youth disability supplement

Since 1 July 1999 the rate of YDS has been set equal to the rate of CA. Historical values of the rate of CA can be found in topic

Pharmaceutical allowance

Historical values of the rate of PhA can be found in topic

Rent assistance

Historical values of the rate of RA can be found in topic

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