Single person 22 years & over, no dependents, partial capacity to work 0 to 14 hours per week, income $256 & under per fortnight
This topic shows the basic rate calculation using Benefit Rate Calculator B for a single JSP recipient assessed as having a partial capacity to work of 0 to 14 hours per week. The recipient has income of $160 per fortnight and is in private rental accommodation (not shared).
The following table shows the steps involved in the basic rate calculation. The rates and income test parameters used applied at 20 September 2024 and are shown in dollars per fortnight. Current rates can be found in the A guide to Australian Government payments booklet on the Services Australia website.
Step | Action | $ |
1 | Determine recipient's ordinary income (1.1.O.30) | 160.00 |
2 | Apply the personal income test to this amount:
5.00 |
3 | Determine the maximum payment rate:
833.20 9.50 6.80 211.20 1,060.70 |
4 | Subtract the income reduction from the maximum payment rate:
1,060.70 5.00 1,055.70 |
Note: On 20 September 2024, the higher rate of JSP and the higher rate of ES was extended to single recipients assessed as having a partial capacity to work of 0 to 14 hours per week. Indexation on 20 September 2024 was also applied. This was given effect by the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (More Support in the Safety Net) Act 2024.
Note: This applies to working out the rate of a person’s JSP, for days occurring on or after 20 September 2024. It applies when a person has been assessed by a health or allied health professional as having a partial capacity to work of 0 to 14 hours per week, and from the date the assessment is accepted by the Secretary.
Example: Enzo lodges a JSP claim with evidence of a permanent medical condition. Enzo is referred for an ESAt (1.1.E.104) and is assessed as having a partial capacity to work of 0 to 7 hours per week. The ESAt is accepted by the Centrelink decision maker on 30 September 2024. The single partial capacity to work (0 to 14 hours) rate applies from the assessment acceptance date of 30 September 2024 (subject to any waiting periods).