1.1.M.30 Manifest grants (DSP)
For the purposes of DSP, the term manifest grants means grants made where policy allows a DSP claim to be determined, based on the presenting medical evidence (1.1.M.100) without the need for further assessment.
Manifest grants may only be made where a person:
- has a terminal illness (life expectancy of less than 2 years with significantly reduced work capacity during this period)
- has permanent blindness (meets the test for permanent blindness for social security purposes)
- has an intellectual disability where supporting evidence clearly indicates an IQ of less than 70
- has an assessment indicating the person requires nursing home level care
- has category 4 HIV/AIDS, or
- is in receipt of a DVA disability pension at special rate (totally and permanently incapacitated (TPI)).
Two lists of medical conditions are available to help decision makers determine whether a person falls within some of the above manifest categories, namely, terminal illness, nursing home level care, and/or intellectual disability. These lists do not contain conditions relating to the manifest categories of permanent blindness and 4 HIV/AIDS.