Approved program of work supplement (APWS) - description
Objective of APWS
The APWS is a supplementary fortnightly payment of $20.80 available to assist people on eligible income support payments with the costs of participating in an approved program of work.
A person is qualified for the APWS in respect of an instalment period if they are receiving an eligible income support payment and they participate in an approved program of work during at least one day in the instalment period.
The eligible income support payments for the APWS are:
- jobseeker payment
- youth allowance
- parenting payment
- disability support pension, and
- SpB (nominated visa holders only).
Programs of work that are declared by the Employment Secretary under SSAct section 28 to be approved programs of work for the APWS are:
- Work for the Dole, and
- National Work Experience Programme.
How APWS is paid
APWS is paid fortnightly with the person's main payment. A person who is in an employment income nil rate period is still eligible to receive the supplement.
The APWS is not indexed or income and assets tested, but is taxed and is covered by the debt recovery provisions of the SSAct.