The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Qualification for SSL

Qualification (1.1.Q.10) criteria

To receive an SSL, the person must be studying an approved scholarship course (1.1.A.218) delivered by an approved higher education provider and receiving YA or Austudy as a full-time student. The person must also have a valid TFN.

Approved scholarship courses are defined in the Social Security (Approved Scholarship Courses) Determination 2020.

A person is not qualified for an SSL if the person:

  • has already qualified for an SSL or an ABSTUDY SSL for that qualification period (students can only receive one SSL per qualification period)
  • is qualified to receive a disqualifying education costs scholarship (1.1.D.233) for that qualification period
  • received a student start-up scholarship under veterans entitlement schemes (VCES and MRCA Education and Training Scheme) in the previous 6 months, or
  • received a disqualifying education costs scholarship in the previous 6 months or was entitled to a disqualifying education costs scholarship in the previous 6 months but has not received the full entitlement only because the scholarship was suspended.

There are 2 qualification periods per calendar year:

  • 1 January - 30 June, and
  • 1 July - 31 December.

Depending on when in the qualification period the person applies for the SSL, a person is considered qualified for the loan on the earliest of the following dates:

  • the day the Secretary determines the person's claim for an SSL
  • if the course ends in that qualification period, the last day of the course, and
  • the last day of the relevant qualification period.

The Secretary can consider a person's claim for a loan at a time the Secretary considers appropriate. However, for claims made before the start of the relevant study period, claims should generally be determined close to the start of that period of study.

For continuing students who claim in advance of the qualification period, their qualification for the loan will generally be determined on 21 February and 21 July of a year.

Act reference: SSAct Chapter 2AA Student start-up loans, section 1061ZVBC Circumstances in which person is not qualified for SSL

Social Security (Approved Scholarship Courses) Determination 2020

Policy reference: SS Guide Student start-up loan (SSL) - description, Payability for SSL, 6.9 SSL repayment arrangements

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