The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

2.2.11 Disability & carer verification


The following table lists the verification required for the payments/benefits in the disability and carer grouping. If more detail is required about specific verification, the second column indicates where you will find this.

Verification required More detail
Proof of identity 2.2.1 Verifying identity
Age 2.2.2 Verifying personal details
Permanent blindness This topic
Proof of identity 2.2.1 Verifying identity
Age of care receiver 2.2.2 Verifying personal details
Residence Residence requirements
Income -
Proof of identity 2.2.1 Verifying identity
Age 2.2.2 Verifying personal details
Employment or training This topic
CA (adult)
Proof of identity 2.2.1 Verifying identity
Age of care receiver 2.2.2 Verifying personal details
Residence Residence requirements
Income -
CA (child)
If the applicant gets family assistance (FA), NO POI is required -
If the applicant does NOT get FA -
Child's birth, and FA Guide Verification of child's name & date of birth
Applicant's residence Residence requirements
Income -

Act reference: SSAct section 10A(2)-'employment'

Verifying permanent blindness

The applicant must submit a specialist report, usually on a SA013 form, with their claim. The report can be from an ophthalmologist or from an optometrist as long as it is supported by an ophthalmologist. The delegate confirms that the criteria for permanent blindness are met. The report MUST state conclusively that the applicant satisfies the criteria for permanent blindness.

If the report does not state conclusively that the applicant satisfies the criteria for permanent blindness it must be referred to the HPAU for an opinion and/or interpretation. The HPAU will advise whether the person is, or is not, permanently blind, or whether further assessment by an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Act reference: SSAct section 95(1) Qualification for DSP—permanent blindness

Policy reference: SS Guide 1.1.H.60 Health Professional Advisory Unit (HPAU), Manifest grants & continuing inability to work (DSP)

Verifying employment or training

MOB cannot be granted without verifying the applicant's work or training details.

Explanation: Details of employment or vocational training are requested from the applicant in their MOB claim. These details should be verified unless the applicant provides the necessary proof of the employment or training such as:

  • recent consecutive payslips showing the name of the employer and number of hours worked
  • a letter of appointment stating when the applicant started work, the likely duration of employment and the number of hours worked
  • a copy of a recent attendance sheet which has the applicant's name on it
  • a current enrolment record, or
  • a letter from an accountant verifying the number of hours spent in self-employment.

If the applicant has trouble providing documentary evidence, the training organisation or employer can provide the information required. Telephone verification is also acceptable to avoid delays in payment. The details of who was contacted must be fully documented on the applicant file and confirmed, in writing, after grant.

Act reference: SSAct section 1035 Qualification for MOB …

Policy reference: SS Guide Assessment of gainful employment for standard rate MOB

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