The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Using the Paid Parental Leave Guide

Welcome to the Paid Parental Leave Guide. The Guide has been designed as a web publication (HTML). It is not available in a single electronic file or in paper format.

What does the Guide cover?

The Guide is divided into 9 parts as explained in the following table:

Part nameWhat is covered
1 Key terms & principlesThis part contains definitions of key terms used in this Guide and basic descriptions of the payment provided for in the PPL law.
2 Eligibility for PLPThis part contains details about the eligibility criteria for PLP.
3 Rate calculation for PLPThis part explains how the rate of PLP must be calculated according to the PPLAct and applied to flexible PPL days.
4 Claims & payments for PLPThis part is about claims, payments and instalments for PLP.
5 DeterminationsThis part is about determinations relating to claims for PLP.
6 Compliance & enforcementThis part is about gathering information for the purposes of the PPLAct, the confidentiality of personal and protected information, rules relating to criminal offences, and imposing obligations on recipients of PLP and employers receiving PPL funding amounts.
It also deals with referral of matters to the FWO for investigation, civil penalty provisions, compliance notices, infringement notices, debt recovery and writing off and waiver of debts.
7 Review of decisionsThis part provides detailed information about the rights of claimants and employers to have decisions reviewed under the PPLAct and by the ART.
8 MiscellaneousThis part explains how the PPLAct applies in particular circumstances, the appointment of nominees and other matters.
9 Births & adoptions before 1 July 2023This part provides an overview of the policy and legislation applicable under PPL law for births and adoptions before 1 July 2023.
10 Transitional arrangementsThis part provides information about changes to the PPL scheme and any transitional arrangements if applicable.

Use of abbreviations

For ease of reference the following abbreviations are used in the Guide:

  • PPL Guide - Paid Parental Leave Guide
  • PPLAct - Paid Parental Leave Act 2010
  • PPL Rules - Paid Parental Leave Rules 2021
  • FA Guide - Family Assistance Guide
  • FAAct - A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
  • FA(Admin)Act - A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999
  • SS Guide - Social Security Guide
  • SSAct - Social Security Act 1991
  • SS(Admin)Act - Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
  • SS(IntAgree)Act - Social Security (International Agreements) Act 1999
  • ARTAct - Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024

Finding information

The following features are provided to assist in finding relevant information:

  • Search - type your search term (words or phrases) in the search box at the top of the page. The Advanced search on the results page allows a search to be limited to a specific Guide or Guides.
  • Site map - gives an overall picture of the structure of the PPL Guide.
  • Keyword index - this provides an extensive list of words which can be used to search for specific topics.
  • Act reference index - this provides a list of sections in the paid parental leave scheme legislation referenced in the Guide. This can be used to search for topics that relate to each listed section.


The Guide has a number of links incorporated at various levels, including the following:

  • Act references - links to relevant law on the Federal Register of Legislation website
  • Policy references - links to related information in other parts of the Guide, and sometimes to the FA Guide or SS Guide.

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