Caretaker message
Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.
The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.
- ABN (Australian Business Number)
- absence
- acceptance notice
- act of grace payment
- adjusted taxable income (ATI)
- Administrative Review Tribunal
- adoption
- amount
- arrears
- Australian Federal Police
- Australian Government employer
- Australian residency test
- Australian resident
- Australian-based employee
- authorised deposit-taking institution
- authorised party
- authorised review officer (ARO)
- care
- Centrelink
- Chief Executive Centrelink
- Chief Executive Medicare
- Chief of the Defence Force
- child
- child support
- civil penalty
- claim
- claim - flexible PPL
- claim - parental leave pay (PLP)
- claim - secondary claim
- claimant
- claimant - primary claimant
- claimant - secondary claimant
- claimant decision
- Commonwealth agency
- compensation
- compliance
- confidentiality
- correspondence nominee
- COVID-19
- dad and partner pay (DAPP)
- debt
- debt recovery
- debtor
- decision
- deduction
- Defence force
- departure prohibition order
- determination - flexible PPL
- determination - parental leave pay (PLP)
- disclosure
- duty of care
- effective claim
- eligibility - parental leave pay (PLP)
- eligibility determination
- employee
- employer
- employer determination
- employer funding amount
- entity
- exceptional circumstances
- exemption
- inalienability
- income
- income limit
- income support payment
- income test
- indexation
- inform
- information
- infringement notice
- insolvent
- instalment
- paid enough
- Paid Parental Leave Act
- parent
- parental leave pay (PLP)
- parental leave pay (PLP) - Centrelink
- parental leave pay (PLP) - child
- parental leave pay (PLP) - claim
- parental leave pay (PLP) - debt
- parental leave pay (PLP) - determination
- parental leave pay (PLP) - eligibility
- parental leave pay (PLP) - employer
- parental leave pay (PLP) - payment
- parental leave pay (PLP) - primary claim
- parental leave pay (PLP) - secondary claim
- pay as you go (PAYG)
- payday
- payment
- payment - parental leave pay (PLP)
- payment summary
- payroll cut-off
- penalty
- police officer
- PPL agency
- PPL agency representative
- PPL funding amount
- PPL income limit
- PPL period
- PPL requirement
- premature
- primary claim
- primary claimant
- principal
- privacy
- protected information
- protection
- public interest certificate