The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

National Redress Guide updates - 2022

7 November 2022 (v1.13)

Page Title Details
1.1.I.10 Independent Decision Maker Clarified definition.
1.1.R.65 Revocation New page.
1.1.S.25 Set of abuse New page.
2.7.1 Legal nominee Clarified policy.
3.2.1 What does 'reasonable likelihood' mean? Clarified policy.
4.1 Independent Decision Makers Clarified policy and updated Act reference.
4.8 Effect of accepting an offer of redress Clarified policy.
5.1.2 Redress payment - court awarded compensation or damages Updated Act reference.

20 September 2022 (v1.12)

Page Title Details
1.1.A.50 Adoption Act Clarified policy.
1.1.C.20 Counselling & psychological component Clarified policy.
1.1.R.50 Responsible Clarified policy.
2.3 Applying for redress under 18 years of age Clarified policy.
2.4 Applying for redress with serious criminal convictions Clarified policy.
2.7.2 Assistance nominee Clarified policy.
5.1.3 Redress payment - method statement - child migrant Added Act reference.
7.7.1 Automatic deeming an institution responsible Added Act reference.
8.1 Funding contribution liability to the Commonwealth Clarified policy.
8.2 Funders of last resort Updated policy.
8.3 Redress payment debt recovery arrangements Clarified policy.

15 August 2022 (v1.11)

Page Title Details
1.1.F.20 Funder of last resort Updated definition.
1.1.K.10 Key institution Clarified policy.
1.1.L.10 Listed institution Updated definition.
1.1.N.30 Nominee Updated definition.
1.1.P.35 Partly-participating institution New page.
3.2.2 Residency requirements Clarified policy.
3.4 Requesting information Clarified policy.
4.9 Declining an offer of redress Clarified policy.

1 July 2022 (v1.10)

Page Title Details
4.4 When is an institution responsible for the abuse a person experienced? Clarified policy.
7 Institutions Clarified policy.
7.1.1 Ministerial declarations Clarified policy.
7.1.2 Participating defunct institutions Clarified policy.
7.1.3 Participating lone institutions Clarified policy.
7.2 Commonwealth institutions Clarified policy.
8.1.1 Redress element Clarified policy.
8.1.2 Scheme administration component Clarified policy.
8.1.3 Funding contribution & late payments Clarified policy.
9.1 Administration of the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Act 2018 Clarified policy.
9.2 The National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Rules 2018 Clarified policy.
9.3.1 Delegations Clarified policy.
9.3.5 Compensation for acquisition of property Updated Act reference.
9.3.6 Review of the Scheme Clarified policy.

21 March 2022 (v1.09)

Page Title Details
1.1.W.10 Within scope Clarified definition.
6.3 Disclosing protected information Clarified policy.

4 January 2022 (v1.08)

Page Title Details
2.1.1 When an application for redress cannot be made Added policy reference.
2.2.1 Persons applying from gaol Added policy reference.
2.6 Withdrawing an application Clarified policy and updated Act reference.
3.1 When is a person entitled to redress? Clarified policy and updated Act reference.
4.3 Effect of a determination on an application Clarified policy.
4.10 Effect of declining an offer of redress Updated reference.
5 Components of redress Added Act reference.
6 Use & disclosure of Scheme information Added Act reference.
9.3.3 Approved forms Clarified policy.
9.3.7 Scheme sunset day Added information about Scheme's sunset day.