The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

1.1.W.30 Work test


To meet the work test for PLP, a person must have performed, whether in Australia or not, 330 hours of qualifying work (1.1.Q.20) over a period spanning at least 295 days (around 10 months) within the person's work test period.

PPLAct section 32 sets out a method statement for working out whether a person satisfies the work test on a day.

Step Method statement
1 Work out the person's work test period (1.1.W.40) under:
  • section 33 for claimants other than COVID-19 affected claimants (1.1.C.165), or
  • section 33A for COVID-19 affected claimants.
2 Work out the days in the work test period on which the person has and has not performed qualifying work.
3 Work out whether any days on which the person has not performed qualifying work during the work test period fall within a permissible break (1.1.P.130).
4 Work out whether there is a period (a 'qualifying period') (1.1.Q.10) of 295 consecutive days in the work test period that are days:

(a) on which the person has performed qualifying work, or
(b) that fall within a permissible break.

5 If the person has performed at least 330 hours of qualifying work in the qualifying period, the person satisfies the work test.

There are several alternative ways of meeting the work test (2.2.1).

Act reference: PPLAct section 6 The Dictionary, section 32 When a person satisfies the work test, section 33 The work test period—claimants other than COVID-19 affected claimants, section 34 When a person performs qualifying work, section 36A Premature birth or pregnancy-related complications or illness, section 36AA Special circumstances

PPL Rules Part 2 Division 3 Matters relating to the work test

Policy reference: PPL Guide 2.2 PPL scheme work test for PLP, 2.2.1 When a person satisfies the work test for PLP

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