The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

2.1 PLP eligibility overview


A claimant must meet the eligibility requirements to be eligible for PLP.

Note: A person cannot be eligible for a flexible PPL day that exceeds their maximum PLP entitlement (2.9).

PLP eligibility - core requirements

Generally, a claimant may be eligible for PLP on a flexible PPL day if:

  • they satisfy the work, income and residency tests
  • they are caring for a newborn or recently adopted child on the day
  • they are performing no more than an hour of paid work on the day
  • they have not exceeded their maximum entitlement and the maximum entitlement for the child has not been exceeded, and
  • they are not subject to the NARWP (SS Guide 1.1.N.70).

Note: Special PPL claimants in exceptional circumstances do not have to meet the work and income tests.

Exceptions & additions to the core requirements

There are exceptions and additions to the core requirements for certain claimants. These are outlined in detail in the topics specified below.

Claimants More details
General PPL claimants 2.6 Who is a PPL claimant for PLP?
Birth mothers 2.6 Who is a PPL claimant for PLP?
PPL claimants in exceptional circumstances
  • 2.6.1 PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances – parent of the child or partner of a parent of the child
  • 2.6.2 PPL claimant for PLP in exceptional circumstance – any other person
  • 2.6.3 PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances – gaining parent in a surrogacy arrangement
Special PPL claimants – partner of a PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances 2.7 Who is a special PPL claimant for PLP?
Special PPL claimants in exceptional circumstances 2.7.1 Special PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances

Act reference: PPLAct section 13 Determination on a PPL claim, section 14 Determination on a special PPL claim, section 31AA When a person is eligible for PLP on a flexible PPL day for a child, section 31AB When a person is not eligible for PLP on a flexible PPL day for a child, section 31A Newly arrived resident's waiting period, section 54 Who can make a PPL claim or special PPL claim

Policy reference: PPL Guide 2.2 PPL scheme work test for PLP, 2.3 PPL scheme income test for PLP, 2.4 PPL scheme Australian residency test & absences from Australia for PLP, 2.4.3 NARWP for PLP, 2.5 Caring for a child, 2.9 Maximum PLP entitlements

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