The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

7.2.2 ART review of employer decisions


ART review is available for certain reviewable employer determination decisions (1.1.E.70) and employer funding amount decisions (1.1.E.80). An employer may apply for an ART review of an ART reviewable employer decision (1.1.A.03).

Note: Applications for a review of a related ART reviewable employer decision can only be made by an employer, precluding claimants from applying.

Act reference: PPLAct Part 5-2 Division 3 ART review of employer decisions

ART reviewable employer decision

An ART reviewable employer decision is an employer decision as affirmed, or varied, or substituted as a result of the internal review process, or an employer decision made personally by a PPL agency representative.

Act reference: PPLAct section 223 Application of this Division (ART Review of employer decisions)

Policy reference: PPL Guide Internal review of employer determination decision, Internal review of employer funding amount decision

Variation of original decision after application is made for ART review

Generally, once an application for review has been made, an original decision cannot be altered except by the ART. However, an officer can vary or substitute an employer decision after an application has been made for an ART review of the decision, as long as:

  • the President of the ART has not referred the application to the guidance and appeals panel
  • if a valid application has already been made for the employer decision to be referred to the guidance and appeals panel, the varied or substituted employer decision is made before the guidance and appeals panel is constituted.

Once changed, the decision as varied or substituted, rather than the original decision, becomes the decision under ART review.

Act reference: PPLAct section 226 Variation of original decision after application is made for ART review

ARTAct section 31 Decision cannot be altered outside Tribunal process

Policy reference: PPL Guide 7.4 Guidance & appeals panel reviews

Form of application for review

An application to the ART for a review of a decision may be made in writing to the ART or in another manner specified in the practice directions of the ART. The application to the ART must include the information specified for the application in the practice directions although missing information does not automatically invalidate an application.

Applications can be made on a person's behalf by someone else.

Act reference: ARTAct section 34 How to apply, section 35 Applications may be made on behalf of a person

Timing of application for review

An employer must apply for ART review within 14 days after the day on which the ART reviewable employer decision was made.

Act reference: PPLAct section 224(4) An application referred to …

Parties to a review

Generally, the parties to an ART employer decision review are:

  • the employer
  • the decision-maker (the Secretary of the DSS)
  • any other person if they apply to the ART to become a party and the ART is satisfied their interests are affected by the decision and it is appropriate for them to become a party.

Note: A claimant is not automatically a party to an ART employer decision review. However, they are not prevented from applying to the ART to be a party.

Note: If a party, who is neither the applicant nor a non-participating party, fails to appear or comply with an order of the ART (which was reasonable) then the ART may order they cease to be a party to the ART review. They can be reinstated at a later time if the ART wishes.

Generally, although listed as a party to an ART review, the Secretary has elected not to participate in an ART review. The decision-maker can still give written submissions to the ART but will not participate directly in hearings.

Note: The Tribunal can still require a decision-maker to participate in the ART review despite them electing not to participate.

Exception: The decision maker is a participating party:

  • Where the decision maker has provided a written notice that they wish to participate and the ART has decided to accept the request.
  • The ART have ordered the decision-maker to participate.
  • The ART review is a guidance and appeals panel review.

The Attorney-General of the Commonwealth may elect to become a party in matters of significant public importance, where the outcome of the matter might have significant implications for the development of the law or the community more broadly (going beyond the interests and concerns of the parties directly involved in the ART review).

Act reference: PPLAct section 224A Person who made the decision, section 224B Decision-maker taken to have elected not to participate in ART review proceeding

ARTAct section 22 Parties to proceeding for review, section 62 Tribunal may allow non-participating party to participate, section 63 Non-participating party may give submissions or be required to participate, section 83 Tribunal may remove party from proceeding if party fails to appear or does not comply

Further review options

Unlike claimant decisions, employer decisions are not considered eligible social services decisions for a second review in the ART. This means that, while a second review is not available, in addition to the President referring the ART's decision to the guidance and appeals panel, a party to the review (including both the employer or Centrelink) may apply to the guidance and appeals panel (1.1.G.30) for review of the ART's decision.

Act reference: ARTAct section 123 Application may be made to refer certain Tribunal decisions to guidance and appeals panel, section 131C Meaning of eligible social services decision

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