Child-related qualification for PP - foster care
Refer to 1.1.P.415 for the qualification criteria for PP for foster carers and the following issues relating to qualification that are of particular relevance to foster carers:
- legal responsibility for the child
- care of the child and the duration of care
- making a determination about qualification for payment
- shared care, and
- risks of incorrect payment and fraud.
A foster carer is subject to the same qualification criteria that applies to all other PP claimants. This includes the requirement that the foster carer has at least one PP child (1.1.P.340).
Since being the principal carer of a child is one of the criteria for having a PP child, it follows that where a foster carer meets the definition of principal carer, and the other specific eligibility criteria for PP, the child will be a PP child of the person.
Policy reference: SS Guide 1.1.P.415 Principal carer - foster care