Caretaker message
Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.
The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.
- ability
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- absence
- abuse
- accident
- accommodation
- accommodation bond
- accommodation charge
- account
- account-based income stream
- accruing membership
- accumulator
- act of grace payment
- activity
- activity test
- acuity
- address
- adjacent land
- adjusted taxable income (ATI)
- administration
- administrative error
- Administrative Review Tribunal
- adoption
- adult
- Adult Disability Assessment Determination
- Adult Disability Assessment Tool (ADAT)
- Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
- adult with a disability
- advance payment
- adverse determination
- advice
- age
- age pension (Age)
- aged care
- aggregation
- agreement
- agreement pensioner
- allocated income stream
- allowance
- amount
- annual rate
- annuity
- appeal
- apportioning
- apportionment
- apprentice
- approved activity
- approved care organisation (ACO)
- approved program of work supplement (APWS)
- approved scholarship
- arrears
- arrival
- articulated course
- assessment
- assessment period
- asset-test exempt income stream
- asset-tested income stream
- assets
- assets test
- assistance
- assurance of support (AoS)
- assuree
- assurer
- attribution
- Australia
- Australian Apprentice
- Australian Apprentice income bank
- Australian business number (ABN)
- Australian disability enterprise (ADE)
- Australian Government Actuary (AGA)
- Australian Government disaster recovery payment (AGDRP)
- Australian resident
- Australian working life residence (AWLR)
- Austrian Agreement
- Austudy payment
- authorised review officer (ARO)
- average weekly ordinary time earnings (AWOTE)
- backdate
- backpay
- base year
- BasicsCard
- behaviour
- Belgium Agreement
- benefit
- bereavement
- bereavement allowance
- bereavement payment
- blindness
- blocked income
- board
- boarder
- bonus period
- bursary
- business
- calculation
- Canada Agreement
- cancellation
- Cape York initiative
- capital
- car
- care
- care situation
- caree
- carer
- carer allowance (CA)
- carer payment (CP)
- carer pension
- carer questionnaire
- Carer Specialised Assessment Team
- carer supplement
- cash
- Cashless debit card program
- cessation
- change in circumstance
- child
- child disability allowance
- child disability assistance
- Child Protection Measure
- child support
- child with a disability
- child with a profound disability
- children
- Chilean Agreement
- chronological age
- citizenship
- claim
- clean energy advance (CEA)
- clean energy payment
- clean energy supplement (CES)
- clergy
- combined course
- commencement
- commercial care arrangement
- commercial lease value
- Commonwealth registration number
- Commonwealth scholarship
- Commonwealth seniors health card (CSHC)
- community development employment projects (CDEP)
- Community Development Program (CDP)
- community service order
- company
- comparable foreign payment
- compensation
- compensation affected payment
- competency based training
- compliance
- compliance activity
- compliance failure
- comprehensive compliance assessment
- concession
- concession card
- confidentiality
- confinement
- connection failure
- consumer price index
- contents
- continuation
- continuing inability to work (CITW)
- contractor
- controlled private company
- controlled private trust
- conviction
- coronavirus
- correspondence nominee
- cost of living payment
- couple
- course
- court appearance
- court order
- COVID-19
- CP (adult)
- CP (child)
- crisis payment (CrP)
- Croatian Agreement
- custody
- custody order
- Cyprus Agreement
- Czech Republic Agreement
- dad and partner pay (DAPP)
- daily accommodation contribution
- daily accommodation payment
- damages
- date
- date of birth
- date of effect
- date of incapacity
- de facto relationship
- death
- debt
- debt recovery
- debtor
- deceased estate
- decision
- declaration
- deduction
- deemed claim
- deeming
- Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA)
- Defence Force Reserves
- delivery day
- demerit
- Denmark Agreement
- Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
- departure
- departure authorisation certificate
- departure prohibition order
- dependant
- dependent child
- dependent student
- deprivation
- derivation
- designated provider
- detained person
- detention
- determination
- developmental milestone
- direct credit
- disability
- Disability Care Load Assessment (DCLA)
- disability employment services (DES)
- disability medical assessment
- disability pension
- disability support pension (DSP)
- disability wage supplement
- disadvantaged
- disaster
- disaster recovery allowance (DRA)
- disaster relief
- discretionary trust
- Disengaged Youth measure
- disposal
- divorce
- doctor
- documentation
- domestic violence
- double orphan
- double orphan pension (DOP)
- drawings
- dual occupancy
- duty of care
- earnings
- economic support payment (ESP)
- education
- education allowance
- education entry payment (EdEP)
- eligibility
- emergency relief
- employee
- employer provided benefit
- employer reporting
- employment
- employment assistance
- employment entry payment (EEP)
- employment incentive
- employment income
- employment income concession
- employment income nil rate period
- employment pathway plan (EPP)
- employment period
- employment services assessment
- employment termination payment
- encumbrance
- energy assistance payment (EAP)
- energy supplement (ES)
- enhanced income management
- enrolled
- entitled person
- entitlement
- entitlement period
- entry contribution
- equity
- equity-based scholarship
- essential medical equipment payment (EMEP)
- estimate
- Estonian Agreement
- evidence
- exchange rate
- exchange trading system
- excluded goods and services
- exclusion period
- exempt accommodation
- exempt assets
- exempt income
- exempt lump sum
- exempt partnered person
- exempt payment
- exemption
- exemption - tax file number
- exemption - taxation
- expenditure
- expense
- extended land use test
- extension
- external territory
- failed loan
- failure
- Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG)
- family
- family allowance
- family assistance
- family breakdown
- family payment
- Family Responsibilities Commission
- family tax benefit (FTB)
- family tax payment
- family violence
- fares allowance (FAA)
- farm
- fee waiver
- financial hardship
- financial investment
- Finnish Agreement
- flexible study
- foreign benefit
- foreign entitlement
- foreign income
- foreign payment
- forgone wages
- former resident
- foster care
- franked dividend
- franking credit
- free accommodation
- friendly society
- fringe benefits
- full-time student
- full-time study
- functional ability
- functional capacity
- functional domain
- functional impairment
- funds
- funeral
- gainful work
- gaol
- garnishee
- garnishee order
- gender
- general provisions
- German Agreement
- gift
- good faith
- goods and services tax (GST)
- governing rules
- Government rent
- Government-contracted doctor
- granny flat
- grant
- Greek Agreement
- group payment
- guaranteed amount
- guarantor
- guardian
- guardian allowance
- handicapped child's allowance
- handicapped person
- hardship
- hardship advance payment
- health care card
- health insurance
- Health Professional Advisory Unit (HPAU)
- high level care home
- higher education contribution scheme
- higher education loan program
- historical rate
- holocaust
- home
- home detention
- home equity access scheme (HEAS)
- home invasion
- homeless
- homelessness
- homeowner
- hospital
- hostel
- household contents
- housing
- human trafficking
- humanitarian
- humanitarian entrant
- Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP)
- Hungarian Agreement
- identity
- illness
- illness separated couple
- impairment
- imprisonment
- imputation credit
- inability to work
- inappropriate claim
- incapacity
- incentive allowance
- income
- income bank
- income limit
- income maintenance period
- income management
- income management - Cape York initiative
- income management - Child Protection Measure
- income management - Disengaged Youth measure
- income management - Long-term Welfare Payment Recipients measure
- income management - Supporting People at Risk (SPAR) measure
- income management - voluntary income management
- income management - Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient Measure
- income protection policy
- income stream
- income support
- income support bonus
- income support payment
- income test
- independent
- independent living skills training
- independently of a program of support
- index number
- indexation
- Indian Agreement
- Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarship
- Indigenous people
- industrial action
- industrial instrument
- information
- inheritance
- injury
- insurance
- intellectual disability
- intellectual impairment
- interest
- intermittent work
- international social security agreement
- intersex person
- interview
- investment
- Irish Agreement
- irrecoverable debt
- irrecoverable loan
- Italian Agreement
- jail
- Japanese Agreement
- Japanese internment
- job capacity assessment
- job capacity assessor
- Job Plan
- job search
- job seeker
- jobseeker payment (JSP)
- joint income stream
- jury duty
- labour market
- language, literacy and numeracy supplement (LLNS)
- Latvian Agreement
- lease
- leave
- legacy
- legal practitioner
- legal proceedings
- legislation
- legislative provisions
- liability
- life expectancy
- life interest
- life skills training
- lifetime income stream
- liquid assets
- liquid assets test waiting period (LAWP)
- liquid funds
- liquidation
- literacy and numeracy supplement (LLNS)
- loan
- lodgement
- lodger
- lodging
- Long-term Welfare Payment Recipients measure
- loss
- low interest loan
- low level care home
- lump sum
- Macedonia (Republic of North Macedonia) Agreement
- main supporter
- maintenance
- maintenance period
- major disaster
- Malta Agreement
- manifest grant
- marital status
- market value
- marriage
- maternity allowance
- mature age partner allowance
- maximum basic rate
- means test
- medical
- medical condition
- medical equipment
- medical evidence
- medical examination
- medical practitioner
- medical review
- member
- member of a couple
- membership
- merit-based scholarship
- milestone
- Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)
- minister of religion
- mobility allowance (MOB)
- moving to an area of lower employment prospects
- multiple entitlement exclusion
- mutual obligation requirements
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Redress Scheme payment
- national training wage schedule rate
- native title
- NDIS amount
- NDIS participant
- NDIS plan
- negligence
- Netherlands Agreement
- New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS)
- New Zealand Agreement
- New Zealand citizen
- newly arrived resident
- newly arrived resident's waiting period (NARWP)
- newstart allowance (NSA)
- nil rate period
- no negative equity guarantee
- no show no pay failure
- nominee
- non-accruing member
- non-agreement pension
- non-attendance failure
- non-binary gender
- non-payment period
- non-standard payments
- North Korean internment
- Northern Territory emergency response (NTER)
- Norwegian Agreement
- notification
- notification reporter
- notional continuous period
- nursing home
- nursing home level care
- obligation
- ordinary waiting period (OWP)
- overpayment
- overseas
- overseas absence
- overseas pension
- overseas real estate
- overseas travel
- parent
- Parent Pathways
- parental income test
- parental leave pay (PLP)
- parenting allowance
- parenting payment
- parenting payment (partnered)
- parenting payment (single)
- parenting plan
- part-time study
- partial capacity to work
- participation
- participation failure
- participation payment
- participation plan
- participation requirement
- partner
- partner allowance
- partner bereavement payment (PBV)
- partner in gaol
- partnership
- pay as you go (PAYG)
- payability
- payday
- PAYG payment summary
- payment
- payment nominee
- payment summary
- penalty
- pension
- pension bonus bereavement payment (PBBP)
- pension bonus scheme (PBS)
- pension loans scheme (PLS)
- pension supplement
- pension valuation factor
- pension year
- pensioner concession card (PCC)
- pensioner concessions
- pensioner education supplement (PES)
- pensioner health benefits card
- percentage
- percentage payment split
- periodic detention
- permanent blindness
- permanent condition
- personal care support scheme
- personal earnings
- personal effects
- personal injury
- pharmaceutical allowance
- pharmaceutical benefits concession card
- pharmaceutical benefits scheme
- policy
- Polish Agreement
- portability
- Portugal Agreement
- pre-pension year
- preclusion period
- pregnancy
- prepayment
- prescribed educational scheme
- preservation
- primary producer
- primary production
- primary production concession
- principal carer
- principal home
- priority needs
- prisoner
- prisoner of war
- privacy
- private company
- private land use test
- private trust
- prize
- professional questionnaire
- profiling
- profoundly disabled child
- program of support
- proof of identity
- proof of life certificate
- property
- property settlement
- proportional income
- proportional portability
- protection of payment
- protective trust
- psychiatric confinement
- psychologist
- public company
- public transport
- purchase amount
- purchase price
- qualification
- qualified portion
- qualifying Australian residence
- qualifying residence exemption
- Queensland Commission
- RapidConnect
- rate
- readily available funds
- real estate
- reasonable action to obtain compensation
- reasonable excuse
- receivership
- receiving
- recipient
- recipient obligation
- reclaim
- reconnection failure
- recovery
- redundancy
- refugee
- refundable deposit
- registered relationship
- registration
- rehabilitation
- rehabilitation allowance
- reimbursement
- rejection
- relationship
- relative
- relevant minimum wage
- relevant number
- relevant period
- relevant weekly wage
- religion
- relocation scholarship
- remote area
- remote area allowance
- rent
- rent assistance (RA)
- repayment
- reporting
- requirement
- residence
- resident
- resident - aged care
- residential care
- residential care service
- respite
- responsibility
- restitution
- restoration
- retirement savings account
- retirement village
- review
- review officer
- reviewed 2008-2011 DSP starter
- roll-over
- rounding
- royalty payment
- salary
- salary sacrifice
- sale leaseback
- sale of property
- satisfactory progress
- saved case
- saving provision
- savings
- scholarship
- school fees
- school leaver
- score
- seasonal work
- seasonal work preclusion period
- secondary pupil child
- secured loan
- security
- security notice
- self-employed
- self-employment
- self-managed superannuation fund
- self-supporting
- seniors card
- seniors concession allowance
- seniors supplement
- separated couple
- separation
- serious failure
- service pension
- service update review
- settlement
- severe disability
- severe financial hardship
- severe impairment
- severe medical condition
- shared care
- shared support
- sharer
- shares
- sheltered employment allowance
- shutdown
- sickness
- sickness allowance (SA)
- sickness and accident policy
- sickness benefit
- single parent
- Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program
- Slovak Republic Agreement
- Slovenian Agreement
- social security agreement
- social security benefit
- social security entitlement
- social security payment
- social security pension
- social worker
- sole parent benefit
- sole parent pension
- sole trader
- Solicitor's Mortgage Schemes
- Spain Agreement
- special benefit (SpB)
- special disability trust
- special employment advance
- special needs pension (SpNP)
- special rate disability pension
- specialist assessment
- sponsor
- stand down
- start day
- Startup Year
- statement reporter
- stay order
- stipend
- stored value card
- strike
- structured settlement
- student
- Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS)
- student income bank
- student start-up loan (SSL)
- student start-up scholarship
- study
- subscriber
- substantial assistance
- substantial level of care
- sufficient work test
- suitable activity
- suitable work
- superannuation
- supplementary allowance
- supplementary assistance
- supplementary benefit
- supplementary payment
- support
- supported residential service
- supported wage system
- Supporting People at Risk (SPAR) measure
- suspension
- Swiss Agreement
- target foreign income
- tax
- tax file number
- taxable income
- taxation
- telephone allowance (TAL)
- telephone rental concession
- tenant
- terminal condition
- terminal illness
- termination
- termination payment
- territory
- test day
- third party
- third party organisation
- threshold
- title
- top up
- Torres Strait Islander
- total net investment loss
- totalisation
- trainee
- training
- transfer
- transgender person
- transition
- transition to independent living allowance
- transitional payment
- trauma payment
- travel
- treating health professional
- treating health professional questionnaire
- treatment
- trigger payment
- trust
- trustee
- undeducted purchase price
- undefined
- unemployed
- unemployment
- unemployment benefit
- unemployment failure
- unemployment non-payment period
- union
- United Kingdom Agreement
- United States of America Agreement
- units
- unlisted company
- unrealisable asset
- unreceived income
- unsecured loan
- unsuitable work
- upkeep
- urgent payment
- utilities allowance (UA)
- validation
- valuable consideration
- valuation
- value
- variable reporting
- variation
- verification
- Veterans' Children Education Scheme
- Victorian Transport Accident Act
- violence
- visa
- vision
- vocational training
- voluntary enhanced income management
- voluntary income management
- voluntary unemployment
- voluntary work
- vulnerable circumstances
- Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient Measure
- wages
- waiting period
- waiver
- war widow(er)
- weekly payment
- weighting
- welfare payment
- widow
- widow allowance
- widow B pension (widB)
- widow pension
- wife pension (WP)
- withdrawal
- work
- work bonus
- work capacity
- work experience
- work for the dole (WFD)
- work refusal failure
- work test
- workforce
- working age residence
- working credit
- working life residence
- write off