Caretaker message

Before an election, the Australian Government assumes a caretaker role. Limited updates will be made to this site in line with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions.

The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. ES - current rates


The ES is a supplementary payment that commenced on 20 September 2014. It was previously known as the clean energy supplement (CES).

From 20 March 2017, the ES was closed to new CSHC holders. Refer to for more details.

Current rates

This table shows the current annual rate of ES. The ES is a supplementary payment for qualified government payment recipients.

Qualifying payment type Annual ES rate
Pensions (other than DSP under 21 and PPS) over age pension age allowees
  • single
  • partnered (each)



CSHC holders
  • single
  • partnered (each)



DSP under 21 - no children
  • single, aged under 18 - dependent
  • single, aged under 18 - independent
  • single, aged 18 to 20 - dependent
  • single, aged 18 to 20 - independent
  • partnered (each)






  • single - no children
  • single - with dependent child/ren
  • single, 55 or over, after 9 continuous months on payment
  • single, 22 or over, partial capacity to work (0 to 14 hours)
  • partnered (each)
  • single, principal carer of a dependent child (granted an exemption from mutual obligation requirements for foster caring/home schooling/distance education/large family)







Parenting payments
  • parenting payment (single)
  • parenting payment (partnered) (each)



  • single, no children
    • aged under 18, at home
    • aged under 18, away from home
    • aged 18 and over, at home
    • aged 18 and over, away from home
  • single, with children
  • partnered, no children (each)
  • partnered, with children (each)
  • single, principal carer of a dependent child (granted an exemption from mutual obligation requirements for foster caring/home schooling/distance education/large family)
  • special rate for long-term income support recipients who are aged 21 years or more commencing full-time study or an Australian Apprenticeship or migrants studying English:
    • single, living at home
    • single, living away from home
    • partnered (each)













YA (when also receiving YDS)
  • single, no children
    • aged under 18, at home
    • aged under 18, away from home
    • aged 18 and over, at home
    • aged 18 and over, away from home
  • single, with children
  • partnered, no children (each)
  • partnered, with children (each)









  • single, no children
  • single, with children
  • partnered, no children (each)
  • partnered, with children (each)
  • special rate for long-term income support recipients who are aged 21 years or more commencing full-time study or an Australian Apprenticeship or migrants studying English:
    • single
    • partnered (each)








Special benefit A person receiving SpB will receive an ES payment in respect of the qualifying payment (JSP, YA or Austudy) according to which the person's SpB rate has been calculated.

An ES for a person who is partnered, though separated from their partner due to illness, respite care or the partner being in prison, will be calculated at either a single or partnered rate consistent with the calculation of the rate of the qualifying payment where applicable.

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.15.2 ES - qualification & payability

Timing of payments

If a person qualifies and the ES is payable, ES payments are generally made fortnightly in arrears with the person's qualifying payment. However, a person can elect to receive their ES quarterly instead of fortnightly.

Quarterly ES payments

A person receiving an income support payment can choose to receive quarterly ES payments rather than having the ES added to their fortnightly payment. For quarterly elections, the ES will continue to accrue daily, building up until one of the quarterly payment days occurs. Payments of quarterly ES will be made as soon as possible after 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December each year.

Where ES is payable to a CSHC holder, the CSHC holder can receive the ES only quarterly.


ES is not indexed.

ES payability

The ES is not payable in some circumstances.

Policy reference: SS Guide 3.15.2 ES - qualification & payability

Last reviewed: