The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. DOP - current rate

Current rate

The current base rate of DOP is $79.90 per fortnight.

Indexation (1.1.I.100)

The base rate is indexed to changes in the CPI. The effective date of indexation is 1 January each year.

Additional component of DOP

An additional component of DOP is payable to DOP applicants who are eligible for a rate of FTB Part A that is lower than the family allowance (FA)/FTB Part A received by the child's original family at the time the young person became a double orphan.

To be eligible for the additional component of DOP, the applicant must be caring for a young person who became a double orphan on or after 1 July 1998.

The additional component is equal to the difference between the carer's entitlement to FTB Part A for the double orphan and the FA/FTB Part A received for the double orphan in their original family.

In the case of a shared care child, the additional component of DOP is the difference between:

  • the result of the current carer’s shared care percentage applied to the FTB Part A rate for the child immediately before they became a double orphan, and
  • the shared care FTB Part A rate of the current carer.

The additional component of DOP is not payable to DOP recipients where:

  • the individual is not eligible for FTB because the child is receiving a payment under a prescribed educational scheme, or
  • FTB was not being received for the child immediately before the child became a double orphan.

Timing of payments

Payments are made fortnightly in arrears.

Act reference: SSAct section 1010 Rate of DOP, Part 3.16 Indexation and adjustment of amounts

Policy reference: FA Guide Shared care rate for FTB

SS Guide Double orphan pension (DOP) - description, 3.5.2 DOP - qualification & payability

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