The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. Historical transitional pension rates payable from 20/09/2009


For an explanation of the existence and classification of transitional pension rates payable from 20 September 2009, see

Maximum annual transitional pension rates

The tables below show the rates in dollars per annum.

In Australia rates ($ p.a.)
Indexation date Single (including a member of an illness separated couple or respite care couple or partnered (partner in gaol)) Partnered
Maximum initial transitional pension rate ES
(Note B)
Maximum payment rate (excluding RA) Maximum initial transitional pension rate ES (Note B) Maximum payment rate (excluding RA)
Basic amount Minimum amount
(Note A)
Remaining amount Basic amount Minimum amount
(Note A)
Remaining amount
20/09/2009 14,903.20 785.20 559.00 - 16,247.40 12,448.80 592.80 80.60 - 13,122.20
20/03/2010 15,126.80 795.60 569.40 - 16,491.80 12,636.00 600.60 83.20 - 13,319.80
20/09/2010 15,353.00 806.00 579.80 - 16,738.80 12,825.80 608.40 85.80 - 13,520.00
20/03/2011 15,522.00 816.40 585.00 - 16,923.40 12,966.20 616.20 85.80 - 13,668.20
20/09/2011 15,909.40 837.20 600.60 - 17,347.20 13,291.20 631.80 85.80 - 14,008.80
20/03/2012 16,005.60 842.40 603.20 - 17,451.20 13,371.80 634.40 85.80 - 14,092.00
20/09/2012 16,101.80 845.00 608.40 - 17,555.20 13,452.40 637.00 88.40 - 14,177.80
20/03/2013 16,247.40 852.80 613.60 351.00 18,064.80 13,574.60 642.20 88.40 265.20 14,570.40
20/09/2013 16,377.40 858.00 621.40 356.20 18,213.00 13,683.80 647.40 88.40 267.80 14,687.40
20/03/2014 16,689.40 876.20 629.20 361.40 18,556.20 13,943.80 660.40 88.40 273.00 14,965.60
20/09/2014 16,855.80 886.60 634.40 366.60 18,743.40 14,084.20 668.20 88.40 275.60 15,116.40
20/03/2015 16,972.80 894.40 637.00 366.60 18,870.80 14,183.00 673.40 88.40 275.60 15,220.40
20/09/2015 17,108.00 899.60 644.80 366.60 19,019.00 14,297.40 678.60 88.40 275.60 15,340.00
20/03/2016 17,245.80 907.40 647.40 366.60 19,167.20 14,411.80 683.80 88.40 275.60 15,459.60
20/09/2016 17,279.60 910.00 647.40 366.60 19,203.60 14,440.40 686.40 88.40 275.60 15,490.80
20/03/2017 17,503.20 920.40 657.80 366.60 19,448.00 14,627.60 694.20 91.00 275.60 15,688.40
20/09/2017 17,607.20 928.20 660.40 366.60 19,562.40 14,716.00 699.40 91.00 275.60 15,782.00
20/03/2018 17,836.00 938.60 670.80 366.60 19,812.00 14,908.40 707.20 93.60 275.60 15,984.80
20/09/2018 17,979.00 943.80 678.60 366.60 19,968.00 15,028.00 712.40 93.60 275.60 16,109.60
20/03/2019 18,158.40 954.20 683.80 366.60 20,163.00 15,178.80 720.20 93.60 275.60 16,268.20
20/09/2019 18,267.60 962.00 686.40 366.60 20,282.60 15,269.80 725.40 93.60 275.60 16,364.40
20/03/2020 18,486.00 972.40 696.80 366.60 20,521.80 15,451.80 733.20 96.20 275.60 16,556.80
20/09/2020 18,486.00 972.40 696.80 366.60 20,521.80 15,451.80 733.20 96.20 275.60 16,556.80
20/03/2021 18,652.40 982.80 702.00 366.60 20,703.80 15,589.60 741.00 96.20 275.60 16,702.40
20/09/2021 18,912.40 995.80 715.00 366.60 20,989.80 15,808.00 751.40 96.20 275.60 16,931.20
20/03/2022 19,310.20 1,016.60 730.60 366.60 21,424.00 16,140.80 767.00 98.80 275.60 17,282.20
20/09/2022 20,082.40 1,058.20 759.20 366.60 22,266.40 16,785.60 798.20 104.00 275.60 17,963.40
20/03/2023 20,826.00 1,097.20 787.80 366.60 23,077.60 17,407.00 826.80 109.20 275.60 18,618.60
20/09/2023 21,283.60 1,120.60 806.00 366.60 23,576.80 17,789.20 845.00 111.80 275.60 19,021.60
20/03/2024 21,665.80 1,141.40 821.60 366.60 23,995.40 18,109.00 860.60 114.40 275.60 19,359.60
20/09/2024 22,100.00 1,164.80 837.20 366.60 24,468.60 18,470.40 878.80 117.00 275.60 19,741.80
Note Explanation
A The minimum amounts of the 'in Australia' rates are the same as the corresponding minimum amounts of the pension supplement.
B Prior to 20 September 2014, the ES was known as the clean energy supplement (CES). After indexation on 20 September 2014, the payment ceased to be further indexed.
Overseas rates ($ p.a.)
(that is, not resident in Australia or absent from Australia for a continuous period exceeding (6 weeks (in most cases))
Indexation date Single (including a member of an illness separated couple or respite care couple or partnered (partner in gaol)) Partnered
Maximum initial transitional pension rate ES
(Note C)
Maximum payment rate (excluding RA) Maximum initial transitional pension rate ES
(Note C)
Maximum payment rate (excluding RA)
Basic amount Minimum amount Remaining amount Basic amount Minimum amount Remaining amount
20/09/2009 14,903.20 0 0 - 14,903.20 12,448.80 0 0 - 12,448.80
20/03/2010 15,126.80 0 0 - 15,126.80 12,636.00 0 0 - 12,636.00
20/09/2010 15,353.00 0 0 - 15,353.00 12,825.80 0 0 - 12,825.80
20/03/2011 15,522.00 0 0 - 15,522.00 12,966.20 0 0 - 12,966.20
20/09/2011 15,909.40 0 0 - 15,909.40 13,291.20 0 0 - 13,291.20
20/03/2012 16,005.60 0 0 - 16,005.60 13,371.80 0 0 - 13,371.80
20/09/2012 16,101.80 0 0 - 16,101.80 13,452.40 0 0 - 13,452.40
20/03/2013 16,247.40 0 0 0 16,247.40 13,574.60 0 0 0 13,574.60
20/09/2013 16,377.40 0 0 0 16,377.40 13,683.80 0 0 0 13,683.80
20/03/2014 16,689.40 0 0 0 16,689.40 13,943.80 0 0 0 13,943.80
20/09/2014 16,855.80 0 0 0 16,855.80 14,084.20 0 0 0 14,084.20
20/03/2015 16,972.80 0 0 0 16,972.80 14,183.00 0 0 0 14,183.00
20/09/2015 17,108.00 0 0 0 17,108.00 14,297.40 0 0 0 14,297.40
20/03/2016 17,245.80 0 0 0 17,245.80 14,411.80 0 0 0 14,411.80
20/09/2016 17,279.60 0 0 0 17,279.60 14,440.40 0 0 0 14,440.40
20/03/2017 17,503.20 0 0 0 17,503.20 14,627.60 0 0 0 14,627.60
20/09/2017 17,607.20 0 0 0 17,607.20 14,716.00 0 0 0 14,716.00
20/03/2018 17,836.00 0 0 0 17,836.00 14,908.40 0 0 0 14,908.40
20/09/2018 17,979.00 0 0 0 17,979.00 15,028.00 0 0 0 15,028.00
20/03/2019 18,158.40 0 0 0 18,158.40 15,178.80 0 0 0 15,178.80
20/09/2019 18,267.60 0 0 0 18,267.60 15,269.80 0 0 0 15,269.80
20/03/2020 18,486.00 0 0 0 18,486.00 15,451.80 0 0 0 15,451.80
20/09/2020 18,486.00 0 0 0 18,486.00 15,451.80 0 0 0 15,451.80
20/03/2021 18,652.40 0 0 0 18,652.40 15,589.60 0 0 0 15,589.60
20/09/2021 18,912.40 0 0 0 18,912.40 15,808.00 0 0 0 15,808.00
20/03/2022 19,310.20 0 0 0 19,310.20 16,140.80 0 0 0 16,140.80
20/09/2022 20,082.40 0 0 0 20,082.40 16,785.60 0 0 0 16,785.60
20/03/2023 20,826.00 0 0 0 20,826.00 17,407.00 0 0 0 17,407.00
20/09/2023 21,283.60 0 0 0 21,283.60 17,789.20 0 0 0 17,789.20
20/03/2024 21,665.80 0 0 0 21,665.80 18,109.00 0 0 0 18,109.00
20/09/2024 22,100.00 0 0 0 22,100.00 18,470.40 0 0 0 18,470.40
Note Explanation
C Prior to 20 September 2014, the ES was known as CES.

Act reference: SSAct section 1190 Indexed and adjusted amounts, section 1191 CPI Indexation Table, Schedule 1A Savings and transitional provisions, refer to clauses 146 to 149

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