Healthy Start for School exemptions (FTB)
If an individual or their partner receives an income support payment (1.1.I.50) on any day that the individual is also receiving FTB Part A, and they have an FTB child that turns 4 in that income year, an age-appropriate health check must be undertaken, or an appropriate exemption must be granted, or the individual's FTB child rate may be reduced for each day during an FTB child rate reduction period (1.1.F.58).
Exemptions include:
- general exemptions
- special circumstances exemption, and
- death of an FTB individual or FTB child.
General exemptions - children taken to meet the health check requirement
Certain children will be taken to meet the health check requirement if they are in a class of children specified in a determination made by the Minister.
The Minister has specified the following classes of children:
- From 1 July 2018, a child who qualifies their carer for CP, CA or a HCC (because the carer is qualified for CA for the child, either alone or with another care receiver) at any time from the beginning of the income year in which the child turned 4 to the day before the child turns 5 (or a later day determined by Centrelink which can be no later than the child's sixth birthday).
- From 1 July 2018, a child assessed by a medical practitioner as having a severe disability or severe medical condition and who has undergone a health assessment suitable to their needs conducted by a suitably qualified health professional during the period beginning the day the child turns 3 and ending the day before the child turns 5 (or a later day determined by Centrelink which can be no later than the child's sixth birthday).
Act reference: FAAct section 61A(9) Legislative instrument
Family Tax Benefit (Meeting the Health Check Requirement) Determination 2018
Special circumstances exemption
If special circumstances exist in relation to an individual or their partner (or both) that make it inappropriate to arrange a health check for the child, an exemption from the requirement for the individual to arrange the health check for their child may be granted at the discretion of Centrelink. Special circumstances exemptions may be granted on or after the day the child turned 5, provided that Centrelink has been made aware of the circumstances before the child turned 5.
In deciding whether a special circumstances exemption applies, the particular facts of each case need to be considered. An exemption should only be granted in unusual and unexpected situations.
Factors that may give rise to a special circumstances exemption include, but are not limited to:
- the individual's medical circumstances
- issues of isolation and/or remoteness, relating to difficulties in accessing doctors/nurses or other medical practitioners to conduct health assessments, for example, where access is only available through the flying doctor service and used for emergencies only.
It will usually be a combination of factors rather than a single factor that makes the circumstances sufficiently unusual and unexpected to warrant a special circumstances exemption, and circumstances must be considered on a case by case basis. Below is an example of a situation where a special circumstances exemption should not be applied.
Example: Cecelia lives on a remote cattle station in NT and receives FTB Part A for their child Henny, who is turning 4 in the 2023-24 income year. The nearest medical facility is several hundred kilometres away. The Royal Flying Doctor service provides remote medical services on-line and by radio and provides a visiting service at least twice a year, as well as in emergency situations. After Cecelia receives the letter informing them of the health check requirement, Cecelia requests a special circumstances exemption on the basis that they will have to wait until the next available opportunity to organise a physical check for Henny, which could be several months away, and they do not want to be put in danger of an FTB child rate reduction.
Based on these facts, this would not constitute special circumstances. Even if Cecelia cannot get Henny's health checked during the 2023-24 income year, Cecelia still has up until when Henny turns 5 to get the health check completed and to notify Centrelink. Cecelia has an obligation to ensure the health check is completed for Henny or Henny's FTB child rate may be reduced for each day during an FTB child rate reduction period.
Death of an individual or FTB child
For income years prior to 2018-19, if an individual dies either during the income year in which their child turns 4, or within the subsequent year after the year in which the child turned 4, an exemption will apply.
For income years from 2018-19, if the child dies during the income year in which they turn 4 or before their fifth birthday or any later days determined by Centrelink, an exemption will apply. If the child dies during an FTB child rate reduction period for the child, the rate reduction will no longer apply in relation to that child.
Example: Joshua receives FTB for their daughter Gertrude who turns 4 in the 2022-23 income year. Joshua dies in the 2023-24 income year. Special circumstances will apply as Joshua dies within the first 12 months that Gertrude turned 4.
Example: Jade receives FTB for her son Bobby who turns 4 in the 2023-24 income year. Bobby dies prior to his fifth birthday, which means special circumstances will apply.
However, as the special circumstances exemption applies to the individual, the health check requirement will still apply in relation to the child following a change of care that occurs within the income year the child turns 4, if the new carer meets the criteria to be subject to the health check requirement.
Act reference: FAAct section 61A(1)(d)(iv) Reduction in FTB child rate unless the health check requirement satisfied, section 61D Death of an FTB child