1.1.F.58 FTB child rate reduction period
The FTB child rate reduction period is the period in which an individual's FTB child rate (1.1.F.57) is reduced if the health check or immunisation requirements are not met for a child.
An individual's FTB child rate for a child that does not meet the health check requirements before the day the child turns 5 will be reduced from that day (or any later day determined by Centrelink) until the end of the FTB child rate reduction period for the child. The FTB child rate reduction period commences the day of the child's fifth birthday and continues for the number of days in the income year in which the child turned 4 that the individual was entitled to be paid FTB and the individual or their partner received an income support payment.
The FTB child rate paid by instalment for a child that does not meet the immunisation requirements by the end of a 63 day grace period will be reduced during the FTB child rate reduction period. The FTB child rate reduction period commences the day Centrelink notifies the individual that a child does not meet the immunisation requirements and ends the day the immunisation requirements are met for the child. Where an individual claims FTB for a past period and the child does not meet the immunisation requirements on the day the claim is determined, the individual's FTB rate for that child is reduced as a lump sum. This applies both to lump sum claims as well as instalment claims that have a past period component.
Example: Nic's child misses a scheduled vaccination while he is receiving FTB by instalment. Consequently, Nic receives a letter from Centrelink notifying him of his failure to meet the immunisation requirements and initiating a 63 day grace period in which he can do so. Nic fails to get his child immunised by the end of the 63 day grace period. In this case, the FTB child rate reduction period begins on the date of commencement of the grace period (being the date of the letter notifying him of his failure to meet the immunisation requirements).
Example: Natalia lodges a past period lump sum FTB claim for the previous income year. At the date her claim is determined, Natalia's child has missed their most recent immunisation deadline. In this case, the FTB child rate reduction period is the entire income year for which Natalia is claiming FTB.
Example: Tali's son, Jacob, was born on 1 July 2021. She lodged an FTB instalment claim on 1 November 2021. Her instalment claim was accompanied by a past period claim for the period 1 July 2021. The claim was determined on 15 November 2021. According to the vaccination schedule, Jacob was due for vaccination by 1 October 2021. As Tali failed to have Jacob vaccinated by the time her claim was determined a grace period applies from 15 November 2021 and a rate reduction will apply for the past period 1 July to 14 November 2021.