1.1.F.57 FTB child rate
The FTB child rate is the maximum rate of FTB Part A payable for a child according to their age before the income and maintenance income tests are applied to an individual's payment.
When a child turns 13, the FTB child rate increases to reflect the additional costs associated with dependent children in this age group.
The FTB child rate is base rate when:
- the individual or their partner does not take reasonable maintenance action (3.1.5) in respect of the child
- the individual or their partner receive a periodic payment under the law of the Commonwealth that provides an increased rate in respect of the child, or
- the individual or their partner is receiving a periodic payment under a scheme administered by the Commonwealth that provides an increased rate in respect of the child.
Where a shared care determination is made in respect of an FTB child, the FTB child rate is the shared care percentage of the FTB child rate that would otherwise apply.
Note: Where a child does not meet the immunisation or health check requirements (2.1.3), the FTB child rate may be reduced for each day during an FTB child rate reduction period (1.1.F.58). For past period claims the FTB child rate may be reduced as a lump sum.
Act reference: FAAct Schedule 1 Part 2 Division 2 Standard rate, Schedule 1 Part 3 Division 2 Standard rate
Policy reference: FA Guide 1.1.F.58 FTB child rate reduction period, 2.1.3 Immunisation & health check requirements, Current FTB rates & income test amounts, Standard rate - FTB Part A Method 1, Method 2 - calculating the maximum rate of FTB Part A