The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. TheĀ information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. ACCS (temporary financial hardship) - application


This topic sets out how to apply for the ACCS (temporary financial hardship) and covers:

  • applying for ACCS (temporary financial hardship)
  • information required when applying for ACCS (temporary financial hardship)
  • applying for more than one child
  • re-applying for the same circumstance.

Applying for ACCS (temporary financial hardship)

To receive ACCS (temporary financial hardship) an individual (1.1.I.90) must apply through Centrelink online, in person or over the phone.

Individuals can apply for ACCS (temporary financial hardship) at the same time they are completing a claim for CCS eligibility, or at any time where the individual is already CCS eligible.

Act reference: FAAct section 85CH(1) Determinations on own initiative or on application

Information required when applying for ACCS (temporary financial hardship)

An individual needs to provide the following information in their application for ACCS (temporary financial hardship):

  • details about the individual making the application
  • details about the child/ren to whom the application relates
  • the requested start date and length of time (in whole weeks) that the individual believes they will be experiencing financial hardship to a maximum of 13 weeks
  • the circumstance/s that are causing the individual to experience temporary financial hardship
    • what is the circumstance that occurred - a description of what happened
    • when did the circumstance occur
    • how did that circumstance impact on the individual or family, and
  • required evidence to support the individual's application.

Applying for more than one child

While a determination of ACCS (temporary financial hardship) is linked to a particular child and a particular individual, if the individual has multiple children, the individual can select which children the application relates to and the application can be used to make multiple determinations (one for each child selected). It is important to note that the application for each child must be made within the 6-month period from the date the application was made.

Re-applying for the same circumstance

If the individual continues to experience financial hardship due to a temporary financial hardship circumstance, the individual can apply again for the same event if:

  • less than maximum of 13 weeks of ACCS (temporary financial hardship) had been granted previously, and
  • the date of the circumstance is still within 6 months of the date of the new (second) application.

The temporary financial hardship subsidy is paid for a maximum of 13 weeks per event. Individuals who experience multiple events of the same circumstance can lodge a separate application for each separate event.

Act reference: FAAct section 85CH(7) A determination does not take effect if ā€¦

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