The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. ACCS (transition to work) - most beneficial activity principle


This topic explains the most beneficial activity principle, and outlines the time limits that apply to multiple activities for ACCS (transition to work).

Two or more activities - the most beneficial activity principle

Where an individual (1.1.I.90) is participating in 2 or more activities that meet the ACCS (transition to work) activity requirements, the individual can select which of their activity/ies they would like assessed for ACCS (transition to work).

Where more than one activity is selected, the officer (1.1.O.10) assessing the application will apply the highest time limit that can be applied, depending on the activities nominated by the individual. This is the most beneficial activity principle.

If an individual does not nominate which CCS activities they wish to apply for ACCS (transition to work) the officer assessing the application can decide based on the most beneficial activity principle.

The general hierarchy, based on the highest period being applied first is:

  • study
  • training - vocational training (including LMPs)
  • training - other program to improve employment prospects (including government funded rehabilitation programs)
  • work - paid work, unpaid work (including a work experience placement or an internship) and setting up a business
  • job search.

The time limit is applied by Centrelink based on the evidence provided, such as the length of the course, training or other program. If no activity time limit is nominated by the individual and no evidence in relation to the time limit is provided, additional evidence can be requested.

If an activity is ongoing and no end date is provided such as in the case of a work activity or for looking for work, the maximum of 26 weeks would be applied.

Example: Georgie is working and studying a Certificate III, and has selected both activities in her ACCS (transition to work) application. As study has the longer time limit, Georgie's activity will be recorded as study and a 104-week time limit for study will apply.

More than one activity requirement met

In some cases, the activity an individual is participating in may meet more than one of the activity requirements under ACCS (transition to work). In particular, components of LMPs may be assessed under more than one activity requirement. For example, the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) has components of training and setting up a business. An individual undertaking this activity may have that program assessed as both training (for that component of the course) and work (setting up a business).

In addition, some vocational training courses may meet the Australian Qualifications Framework level requirements and could be assessed as a study activity instead of a work or training requirement. As study has a higher time limit than work or training activities, the study limit will be applied as it is the most beneficial.

In this case, the individual can nominate which activity's time limits they would like to apply.

However, the officer assessing the application will decide which activity to record, and which time limit will apply to provide the greatest benefit to the individual.

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