3.12 SBP rate
The rate of SBP is equal to the total of the following rates:
- the higher rate of NBS
- NBU, and
- FTB Part A bereavement payment (14 weeks of the FTB Part A maximum standard rate for a child aged under 13).
SBP is paid via a single lump sum.
Act reference: FAAct section 36 When an individual is eligible for SBP in normal circumstances, section 66 Amount of SBP, section 58AA NBU of FTB if NBS added into Part A rate, Schedule 1 Part 5 clause 35B Annualised rate of NBS, section 31 Continued eligibility for FTB if an FTB or regular care child dies, section 32 Eligibility for a single amount of FTB if an FTB or regular care child dies
Policy reference: FA Guide 3.11 NBS rate, 2.12 SBP eligibility, Calculating FTB bereavement payment
SBP is not indexed directly, but increases on 1 July each year due to the annual indexation of the NBS and NBU and FTB Part A under 13 rates.
Policy reference: FA Guide Indexation of FTB, 3.11 NBS rate, 3.6.1 FTB Part A - historical rates
Rate to be paid relates to eligibility
The rate of SBP is determined according to the rate that applies on the day the individual becomes eligible for SBP for the child. This means that the rate is the applicable rate on the day of the child's delivery, or such later date that the individual first becomes eligible for SBP.
Example: Charlie has a stillborn child during the 2018-19 year. Charlie lodges a claim for SBP during the 2019-20 year and is granted SBP under the income test. As Charlie is eligible for SBP from the date of the stillborn child's delivery, the SBP rate paid is the 2018-19 rate.