The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. CCS - statements of entitlement


Approved providers (1.1.A.90) must provide a 'statement of entitlement' to individuals (1.1.I.90) (e.g. parents) of children for whom a determination of entitlement (1.1.E.30) has been made, a minimum of once every fortnight. This statement must include details of the sessions of care (1.1.S.40) provided and the resulting fee reduction amounts.

Statements of entitlement cannot meet legislated requirements if issued in advance, as it must include actual amounts of CCS or ACCS paid, and from 14 January 2019, the child's physical (actual) attendance times for each session of care.

The statement of entitlement must contain the following details:

About Details
The statement

Name of the individual to whom the statement is issued

Name of the child to whom any sessions of care were provided

Unique identifier assigned to the enrolment (1.1.E.25) of the child for care by the approved child care service (1.1.A.90)

Date of issue and the start and end dates for the statement period

The child care service

Name of the approved provider

Any business name of the child care service registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission

ABN (if applicable) of the approved provider and (if different), the ABN under which the child care service trades

Unique identifier of the approved provider and child care service

For approved providers of FDC and IHC services:

  • Name and unique identifier of each educator who provided care during the statement period
  • Which sessions of care the educator provided
The sessions of care

Daily and weekly totals of the number of hours of care provided during the statement period, including start and end times for each session of care.

From 14 January 2019, the statement will be required to include the start and end times of the child's physical (actual) attendance for each session of care.

For the statement period and cumulatively for the financial year until the date of issue of the statement - the sum of

  • the number of days on which the child care service is taken to have provided a session of care to the child while the child was absent (1.1.A.05) (up to 42 days in the financial year),
  • the number of days on which the service is taken to have provided a session of care to the child, beyond 42 cumulative days in the financial year and particular circumstances apply.

Hourly fee for each session of care provided in the statement period

Daily and weekly totals of the amount of all fees charged by the approved provider for care provided during the statement period, including details about any discounting or refund applied in order to pass on fee reductions

Fee reduction amounts

For the statement period:

  • the number of hours for which the fees were reduced (or for which the individual otherwise received the benefit of a fee reduction amount),
  • the total of the fee reduction amounts of which the approved provider was given notice,
  • a breakdown of the amounts of fee reduction for each session of care and whether it related to a payment of CCS or ACCS.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 201D Requirement to give individuals statements of entitlement

CCSSecRules section 10 Additional information to be provided in statement of entitlement

Policy reference: FA Guide 2.6 CCS eligibility, 4.6 CCS - individual's claims & payments

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