The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. TheĀ information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

1.1.E.25 Enrolment (CCS)


A child can be enrolled for care by an approved child care service (1.1.A.90) in 1 of 4 ways:

  • the approved provider of the service and the parent/guardian (or their partner (1.1.P.30)) of the child enter into an CWA
  • the service provides care to a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect, and the approved provider is not able to identify an individual (1.1.I.90) who is eligible for ACCS (child wellbeing), so the provider makes itself eligible in respect of the child
  • the approved provider of the service and the parent/guardian (or their partner) of the child enter into a relevant arrangement (, or
  • the approved provider of the service and an organisation, such as the parentā€™s employer, enter into an arrangement (

Only a CWA and provider eligible arrangement are eligible for subsidy. Relevant arrangements and arrangements with an organisation are not eligible to receive any subsidy.

An enrolment can cease in 1 of 3 ways:

  • where a child is enrolled under a CWA, relevant arrangement, or arrangement with an organisation, and the arrangement ends (for example, where an end date has been agreed to by the relevant parties)
  • where a service provides care to a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect in the circumstances described above, those circumstances no longer apply (the child is no longer at risk and/or the provider has been able to identify an individual who is eligible for ACCS (child wellbeing)), or
  • a child has not attended any of the service's sessions of care (1.1.S.40) for 14 continuous weeks. Enrolments are automatically ceased by the CCSS if this occurs.

Enrolment notices

When a child is enrolled for care by an approved child care service, the approved provider of the service must submit an enrolment notice to the CCSS through their third party software program or the Provider Entry Point.

An enrolment notice is the mechanism that links a child, parent/guardian, and provider/service in the CCSS. It also both enables and requires the provider to submit session reports (1.1.S.35) in relation to care provided to the child. If an arrangement for care includes more than one child (for example, siblings from the same family), the provider must create an enrolment for each child, which reflects that child's care arrangement.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 200A Enrolment notices

Policy reference: FA Guide 4.13.1 CCS enrolment notices, CCS - CWA enrolment, CCS - relevant arrangement enrolment, CCS - arrangement with an organisation enrolment, ACCS (child wellbeing) - provider eligible enrolment

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