1.1.E.30 Entitlement (FTB, CCS, ACCS)
Definition: FTB
For the purposes of FTB, an individual (1.1.I.90) may be entitled to be paid a FTB where a claim is made that meets the eligibility requirements for an amount of FTB to be paid as determined by the Secretary over the relevant income year.
Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 16 Determination of instalment entitlement claim, section 17 Determination of past period entitlement claim
Definition: CCS
An individual can be entitled to CCS if they are eligible for CCS for a child. For the purposes of CCS, entitlement is determined by 4 factors:
- the combined annual ATI (1.1.A.20) (3.5.1) of the individual and their partner (1.1.P.30), if they have one
- activity levels of the individual and their partner, if they have one (3.5.2)
- the type of child care service used, and whether the child attends school (3.5.3)
- whether the individual or their partner has 2 or more children aged 5 or under using child care.
For the method for calculating CCS see 3.5.4.
Act reference: FAAct Schedule 2 Amounts of CCS and ACCS
Policy reference: FA Guide 3.5 CCS entitlement
Definition: ACCS
An individual can be entitled to ACCS if they are eligible for CCS for a child and are eligible for either:
- ACCS (child wellbeing) (2.8.1)
- ACCS (grandparent) (2.8.2)
- ACCS (temporary financial hardship) (2.8.3)
- ACCS (transition to work) (2.8.4).
An approved provider (1.1.A.90) can be entitled to ACCS (child wellbeing) for a child if they meet the eligibility criteria.