The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

6.4.1 Overview of reconciliation


This section gives an overview of reconciliation.

Reconciliation is the process of determining an individual's (1.1.I.90) eligibility for FTB and CCS. For the purposes of FTB and CCS, this process also determines an individual's correct rate of payment for the relevant income year (1.1.R.23). Depending on an individual's circumstances, this involves comparing the FTB and/or CCS received during the relevant income year, based on their estimated ATI (1.1.A.20), maintenance income (1.1.M.10) (for FTB), and child care usage (for CCS), with their actual entitlement (1.1.E.30), based on their:

  • actual ATI (provided in part by the ATO)
  • actual maintenance income (FTB Part A only), and
  • session reports (1.1.S.35) submitted by approved providers (1.1.A.90).

The purpose of reconciliation is to determine whether an individual was eligible to receive payment and, if so, whether they received their correct entitlement.

An adjustment takes place in cases where reconciliation shows a difference between the amount of FA the individual received, based on estimated income, and their correct entitlement, based on actual income.

The following table shows where more information on reconciliation can be found.

Subject For more information refer to
General information about reconciliation Reconciliation process
Information about the FTB Part A supplement Reconciliation process
How ATI is verified Verification of adjusted taxable income
Treatment of individuals who have had periods on income support during the relevant income year Income test exemptions for individuals in receipt of income support
How maintenance income affects reconciliation FTB reconciliation due to maintenance income
How the MAT affects reconciliation Impact of maintenance action test on FTB reconciliation
When an individual is not required to lodge a tax return Valid reasons for not lodging a tax return
Treatment of individuals who are required to lodge a tax return but do not do so Non-lodger process
Raising of debts due to not lodging a tax return where required to do so Outcomes of non-lodger process
Reconciliation for an individual who has been in the same relationship throughout the relevant income year Reconciliation - current partners
Reconciliation for an individual who separates from a partner during the relevant income year Reconciliation - ex-partners
Reconciliation where ex-partners do not lodge a tax return Reconciliation - ex-partners
Reconciliation where an individual dies Death of individual
Reconciliation where a partner dies Death of partner
Reconciliation where an FTB child dies Death of FTB or regular care child

CCS Reconciliation

The payment of CCS and ACCS generally occurs by way of a weekly or fortnightly payment made directly to approved providers. Any CCS owed to families following the end of year reconciliation process will be paid directly to individuals as a lump sum. Conversely, if any overpayment occurred because the individual underestimated their income, these amounts will be raised as a debt against the individual.

Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 105 Secretary may review certain decisions on own initiative, section 103A CCS reconciliation conditions, section 103B First deadline, section 103C Second deadline, section 105E Review of individual's entitlement to be paid CCS by fee reduction-meeting CCS reconciliation conditions

Policy reference: FA Guide 1.1.R.10 Reconciliation (CCS)

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