The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2001

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 3 December 2001 (v1.18)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.C.27 Claim (CCB) Amend how a claim for CCB for approved care lump sum can be lodged.
2.1.1 FTB child Amended comparison of FTB child and dependent child under SSAct. Waiver of FTB for Shared Care Added new topic. Calculating a rate of FTB - Overview Amended rounding of the FTB rate. Maintenance Income Test - General Provisions Clarified partnered MIFA amount.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 5 November 2001 (v1.17)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.A.20 Adjusted taxable income Changed DCME amount from 50 to 100%. FTB child of an individual Clarified date of effect for child income exceeding limit. Residence requirements Clarified eligibility requirement that a person must be an Australian resident residing in Australia. Temporary absence from Australia Clarified policy on extending 26 week period to receive greater than base rate in certain circumstances. Shared Care - Example of Rate Calculation Updated rate due to indexation. Blended Family - Example of Care Payment Updated rate due to indexation. FTB during absence from Australia Clarified policy on extending 26 week period to receive greater than base rate in certain circumstances.
3.1.2 FTB Rate of ACOs Updated rate for ACO annual rate of FTB. Calculating FTB Part B Updated rate due to indexation.
3.2.4 Target Foreign Income Added foreign exchange rates for 1 July 2001.
3.3 Maternity Allowance Rate Update rate.
4.4.8 Review of FTB - Child turning 16, 18, or 21 Updated income cut off for FTB. Death of a customer Updated policy on debts in respect of deceased customers. Waiver of $1000 - Transitional Arrangements for 2000-01 Added new topic concerning the waiver of up to $1000 for FA debts. Waiver in Special Circumstances Added text to include Adult Migrant English Program.
8.1.9 Save Rate of FTB Part A for Child Attracting CA or DOP Added new topic.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2 October 2001 (v1.16)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.A.15 Actual Assessment Method Updated topic to include definition only. Moved other information to new topic
1.1.R.25 Relevant Period (FTB) Updated topic to include definition only. Moved other information to new topic
1.1.R.50 Routine Assessment Period Updated topic to include definition only. Moved other information to new topic
1.1.S.45 Severe Financial Hardship (FTB) Updated topic to include summary information only. Moved other information to Relevant Period Added new topic. Estimating of Maintenance Income Added links to new topics. Routine Assessment Method (FTB) Added new topic. Actual Assessment Method Added new topic. Waiving a Debt arising from Administrative Error Updated policy.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 3 September 2001 (v1.15)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.S.45 Severe Financial Hardship FTB Added description of net income when considering a waiver in cases of severe financial hardship. Residence Requirements Clarified exception to residence requirement for CCB.
2.6.2 CCB Eligibility Exceptions - FTB child, Residency & Immunisation Updated scholarships schemes included in example. Taking reasonable maintenance action Updated where exemptions due to violence may be backdated. Exemptions from the Maintenance Action Test Added backdating provisions. Updated information regarding artificial insemination procedures.
3.1.10 Reconciliation of FTB Rate Removed this section as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation. Reconciliation Removed this topic as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation. Quarantining Periods of Income Support Removed this topic as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation. Reconciliation for Members of a Couple Removed this topic as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation. Failure to Lodge a Tax Return Removed this topic as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation.
3.2.3 Adjusted Fringe Benefits Changed dates relating to the fringe benefit tax year.
5.3 Reconciliation Removed this chapter as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation.
5.3.1 FTB Reconciliation Removed this section as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation.
5.3.2 CCB Reconciliation Removed this section as information on the reconciliation process can now be found in 6.4 Reconciliation.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 6 August 2001 (v1.14)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.S.45 Severe Financial Hardship Added definition of severe financial hardship. Summary of Shared Care & Change of Care for FTB Added details on how the actual care arrangements for the child are assessed. Verification of Care Arrangements Clarified verification of care arrangements. Establishing a Pattern of Care Clarified policy to include care arrangements. Historical Family Allowance & FTB Rates & Income Test Amounts Moved historical FTB rates and income test amounts to new chapter 3.6 .
Removed historical family allowance rates.
3.6 Historical Rates Added new chapter to record historical rates of payments for families.
3.2.7 Deductible Child Maintenance Expenditure Updated deductible from 50% to 100% as approved by the Senate on Friday 29 June 2001.
4.5.3 Payment of MAT & MIA Deleted reference to Centrelink and added Family Assistance Office. Waiving a Debt Arising from Administrative Error Added link to severe financial hardship example.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2 July 2001 (v1.13)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.A.70 Allowable Absences (CCB) Clarified definition of allowable absences.
1.1.A.75 Approved Absences (CCB) Inserted new definition: approved absences.
1.1.D.60 Debt, debtor Added act references.
1.1.I.70 Income Thresholds (CCB) Updated to reflect new thresholds for 2001/02.
1.1.I.110 Interim Reconciliation Added new definition: interim reconciliation.
1.1.L.30 Lodgement Year Added new definition: lodgement year.
1.1.M.27 Maximum Weekly Benefit (CCB) Updated to reflect indexation for 2001/02.
1.1.M.30 Maximum Weekly Entitlement (CCB) Updated to reflect indexation for 2001/02.
1.1.N.33 Non-lodger Added new definition: non-lodger.
1.1.R.23 Relevant Income Year Inserted new definition: relevant income year.
1.1.S.95 Specific Taper Amount Updated to reflect new income threshold for 2001/02.
1.1.S.100 Standard Hourly Rate (CCB) Updated to reflect new rates for 2001/02.
1.1.T.40 Taxable Income Taper Percentage (CCB) Updated to reflect new income limits for 2001/02.
1.1.T.70 Type of Care (CCB) Expanded definition for in-home care. Verification of Child's Name and Date of Birth Amended details concerning verification of child's name. Verification of Care Arrangements Clarified policy on verification of care arrangements. Shared Care of an FTB Child Updated policy on shared care. Establishing a Pattern of Care Amended method for establishing a pattern of care. Calculating Percentage of Care Amended rules for assessing shared care. Residence Requirements Updated to include policy for New Zealand citizens from 26 February 2001.
2.3.1 FTB Child of an ACO Added (the child is a) special category visa holder in general eligibility criteria.
2.6.1 Eligibility Criteria for Individuals Added (the customer is a) special category visa holder in CCB approved care eligibility criteria. Added (the customer is a) special category visa holder in CCB registered care eligibility criteria.
2.6.2 The FAO Review & Appeal Process Created acronym for ARO, CCB and ARO.
2.6.7 Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) Changed wording of period of access and included Act reference. Current FTB Rates and Income Test Amounts Updated to reflect new rates for 2001/02. Historical Family allowance & FTB Rates and Income Test Amounts Added historical FTB rates to this topic. Rent Assistance Updated to reflect new rates for 2001/02. Determining which Stage of the CSS Applies Minor rewording to clarify requirements for pre stage one child support customers Maintenance Income Test - General Provisions Updated to reflect new thresholds for 2001/02.
3.5.1 CCB Entitlement - General Provisions Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. Calculating the Approved Care Adjustment Percentage Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. Calculating the Approved Care Taxable Income Percentage Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. Calculating the Approved Care Multiple Child Percentage Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 1 Child, Income below Upper Threshold Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 4 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 2 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Update of income amounts and/or figures due to indexation. Claim Lodgement and verification Added policy regarding verification of a customer and their partner's personal details. Restrictions on Determining FTB Claims Amended restriction on past period claim.
4.6.1 General Provisions for Individual's Claims and Payments Added paragraph about payment to a third party.
4.7.1 CCB Approved Services - Statements for Payment Minor rewording to clarify policy.
4.7.2 Payment of Advances to Approved Services Clarified policy on payment of advances. General Provisions for CCB Variations - Individuals Removed requirement for customer to complete a Parent Statement.
4.8.2 Variations to CCB Entitlement - Approved Services Expanded list of notifiable events.
4.9 Next Financial Year Assessments of FA Added new chapter re FA next financial year assessments.
4.9.1 Overview of Next Financial Year Assessments New topic - Overview of next financial year assessment process for FA, and policy on customer selection.
4.9.2 Customer Options - Next Financial Year Assessments New topic - Describes of options available to customers affected by the next financial year assessment process.
4.9.3 Outcomes of Next Financial Year Assessments New topic - Describes possible outcome for customers through the next financial year assessment process.
5.1.1 Obtaining Information Changed reference from 'a claimant' to 'an individual'. Power to Obtain Information Updated act references.
6.3.1 SSAT Reviews Added links to section 110-118 of FA(ADMIN)Act.
6.4 Reconciliation Added new chapter outlining the reconciliation process. General Provisions for Penalty Interest on Debts Removed all content in this topic as details of penalty interest will be advised at a later date. Rate & Calculation of Penalty Interest on Debts Removed all content in this topic as details of penalty interest will be advised at a later date.
7.2.5 Debt Recovery From Income Tax Refund Minor rewording to improve clarity.
7.2.9 Recovery from Financial Institutions New topic about recovery of FA reflecting new overpayments and debt recovery provisions. Writing-off a Debt Changed to reflect new overpayments and debt recovery provisions. Waiving A Small Debt Minor rewording to improve clarity.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 4 June 2001 (v1.12)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.R.50 Routine Assessment method (FTB) Minor rewording of example, and moved it to paragraph "Application of the routine assessment method".
2.5 Eligibility for MIA Updated text to reflect change to eligibility to MIA in case of Death of child under 2 years of age. Change of Eligibility Circumstances Clarified policy on need to advise FAO of changes in circumstances. Change of Rate Circumstances Clarified policy on need to advise FAO of changes in circumstances. Transfers - General Provisions Added text to paragraph "Deemed Claim for FTB".

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 7 May 2001 (v1.11)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.A.130 Australian resident Updated definition.
1.1.B.15 Base FTB child rate (FTB) Added new definition of base FTB child rate.
1.1.F.57 FTB child rate Added new definition for FTB child rate.
2.1.1 FTB Child Created new topic Foster care FTB Child of an Individual Removed information re foster care. Now in new topic Foster Care. Establishing a Pattern of Care Added information on care assessment methods. Calculating Percentage of Care Added information on shared care assessment methods. FTB Child in a Blended Family Updated text. Residence Requirements Updated text in line with changes for NZ immigrants Verifying residence/citizenship Updated policy in line with changes for NZ immigrants.
2.2.1 FTB eligibility criteria for individuals Amended FTB eligibility requirements. Shared care rate for FTB Updated text Shared care - example of rate calculation Amended calculation of shared care rate of FTB Part A. Shared payment of FTB for a blended family Updated text. Blended family - example of shared payment Updated text. Standard rate - FTB Part A Method 1 Updated text. Method 2 - calculating the maximum rate of FTB Part A Clarified policy. Calculating the FTB Part B Clarified policy.
4.4.8 Review of FTB - Child turning 16,18 or 21 Added explanation regarding why income amount in publications/forms may differ slightly from what is in the Guide. FTB Transfers - Shared Care Assessments Updated text on FTB shared care percentages

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2 April 2001 (v1.10)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Death of an FTB child Inserted text regarding bereavement where the lump sum period overlaps two financial years
3.2.7 Deductable Child Maintenance Expenditure Clarified policy on how deductible child maintenance expenditure is calculated Initial Estimate When Making a Claim Clarified policy regarding past period claim lodged in current financial year. Specific Requirements for a Bereavement Claim Inserted text on income requirements for bereavement claim
4.4.8 Review of FTB - Child Turning 16, 18 or 21 Revised policy - information can be obtained via the telephone.
8.2.2 Bereavement - Death of a Customer Added reference for death after 1 July 2000.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 5 March 2001 (v1.09)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1 Various topics Revised text.
1.1.S.15 School child, non-school child Added new definition.
1.1.S.95 Specific taper amount Added new definition. Summary of Shared Care and Change of Care for FTB Updated table in limiting payment for past periods. Foster care Added new topic. Residence requirements Revised text.
2.6 Various topics Revised text.
2.6.1 CCB eligibility criteria for individuals Included text on salary sacrificing and CCB eligibility.
3.5 Various topics Revised text.
4.1 Various topics Revised text. Specific requirements for past period claim Clarified that past period claims cannot be made only for the period of the withholding declaration. Restrictions on determining FTB claims Included text on Past period claim lodged in one income year though not determined until the next (current) income year. Change in non-income related circumstances Included text on partnering and separation. Change in income related circumstances Included text on income and non-income related change advised at the same time.
4.6.1 General provisions for individual's claims & payments Revised text.
4.6.2 Approved care CCB - Individual's claim Deleted reference to annual review. Revised text. CCB Entitlement variations - individuals using an approved service Revised text.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 5 February 2001 (v1.08)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.A.70 Allowable absences (CCB) Changed 30 days per calendar year to financial year.
1.1.C Key Terms beginning with the letter C Included new definition.
1.1.C.90 Care (FTB) Included new definition.
1.1.I.10 Immunisation Requirements (MIA, CCB) Updated example regarding Church of Christ, Scientist. Child at Risk of Harm Included examples in summary. Updated example in continuation of payment.
2.2.1 FTB Eligibility Criteria for Individuals Updated information regarding residence requirements.
2.5 Eligibility for MIA Added information regarding eligibility where FTB children have died or are stillborn. Non-resident Parent is overseas Updated information regarding parents residing in reciprocating agreement countries.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 4 January 2001 (v1.07)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.F.60 Full-time student, undertaking full-time study Included information on what happens when a child is on holidays between semesters.
1.1.R.25 Relevant period (FTB) Corrected minor error in example. Estimate following cancellation of income support payment Deleted last paragraph of Income support payment cancelled.
Deleted Changing FTB delivery method. Specific requirements for past period claim Amended "past period claim" to say "direct payment past period claim".
7.1.2 FA Debts - General Provisions Updated information in relation to debts.
7.1.2 Overpayments to individuals and ACO's Updated information in relation to overpayments and debts.
7.2.7 Debt recovery by garnishee Updated information in relation to garnishee notices and bankruptcy.