The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2003

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 1 December 2003 (v1.46)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Rent Assistance Updated rates of rent assistance. Payer is Overseas Established a link to the CSA's Child Support Guide.
3.6.1 FTB Part A - Historical Rates Updated historical rates.
3.6.2 FTB Rent Assistance - Historical Rates & Thresholds Updated historical rates.
4.4.7 Customer Requests Cancellation of FTB Updated the date of effect of cancellation.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 3 November 2003 (v1.45)

There were no policy changes for this release.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 7 October 2003 (v1.44)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Claim Action 13 - Taxable Income Not Assessed Amended for claim action to be taken if taxable income is not assessed for a lump sum claim. Continuous Adjustment of FTB for Instalment Customers Added material relating to maintenance.
7.1.1 FA Debts - General Provisions Added details regarding raising overpayments.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 22 September 2003 (v1.43)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.R.05 Receiving New definition. FTB Child of an Individual Clarified exceptions to an FTB child and income provisions for an FTB child.
2.4.1 Eligibility for MAT Updated policy re 'eligible person dies before payment is made'.
2.5 Eligibility for Maternity Immunisation Allowance (MIA) Updated policy re 'eligible person dies before payment is made'.
2.6.7 Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) - Eligibility Criteria Added material relating to SCCB not available after employment income nil rate period. Calculating a Rate of FTB - Overview Added material relating to FTB A during an employment income nil rate period. Income Test - FTB Part A Method 1 Added material relating to employment income nil rate period.
3.2.4 Target Foreign Income Amended to allow the source of the exchange rate to be other than the Commonwealth Bank. Estimate Following Cancellation of Income Support Payment or Conclusion of Employment Income Nil Rate Period Added material relating to estimates during employment income nil rate period.
3.3 Maternity Allowance (MAT) Rate Updated rate for indexation.
3.4 Maternity Immunisation Allowance (MIA) Rate Updated rate for indexation.
3.5.1 CCB Entitlement - General Provisions Added material relating to employment income nil rate period. Calculating the Approved Care Taxable Income Percentage Added material for CCB during an employment income nil rate period. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 1 Child, Income below Upper Threshold Excluded families in an employment income nil rate period from example. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 4 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Excluded families in an employment income nil rate period from example. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 2 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Excluded families in an employment income nil rate period from example.
3.6.4 MAT & MIA - Historical Rates Updated rate for indexation. TFN Requirements for MAT & MIA New topic. Claim Action 13 - Taxable Income Not Assessed Amended for claim action taken if taxable income is not assessed for a lump sum claim.
4.4.4 Reassessment of FTB - Pension/Benefit Cancelled Added material relating to employment income nil rate period.
7.2.2 Debt Recovery by Deduction Updated to reflect change in legislation to allow deductions from FTB for debts from other government payments.
8.1.10 Saved Rate of FTB Part A doe DVA Disability or War Widow/Widower Pensions New topic. CCB Recipients Losing Income Support - Transitional Arrangements Added material relating to SCCB not available after employment income nil rate period.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 1 September 2003 (v1.42)

Topic No. Topic Title Change FTB Child of an Individual Clarified exceptions to an FTB child.
2.6.1 CCB Eligibility Criteria for Individuals Updated to reflect that eligibility to CCB has been extended to a family caring for a child who is under a state or territory child welfare law. Exempt Maintenance Income Added explanation regarding maintenance received from estate of a deceased non-custodial parent. Relevant Period Updated 'End of the relevant period'. Informal claim Topic deleted.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 4 August 2003 (v1.41)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Temporary Absence from Australia Clarified policy where individual overseas prior to having an FTB child.
2.5 Eligibility for Maternity Immunisation Allowance (MIA) Clarified qualifying day for MIA. Australian Residency Exceptions for CCB Clarified eligibility for CCB for non-Australian resident undertaking studies and not receiving direct assistance from the Commonwealth. Eligibility Requirements for more than 50 Hours CCB Clarified application process for more than 50 hours CCB in exceptional circumstances.
3.2.3 Adjusted Fringe Benefits Clarified FTB rate.
3.2.4 Target Foreign Income Included 2003 figures.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 7 July 2003 (v1.40)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.A.45 Adjusted rate of FTB/CCB Added new definition.
1.1.C.55 Correspondence nominee Added new definition.
1.1.I.70 Income thresholds (CCB) Updated rates.
1.1.M.27 Maximum weekly benefit (CCB) Changed CCB parameters due to indexation.
1.1.M.30 Maximum weekly entitlement (CCB) Updated rates.
1.1.M.60 Minimum hourly rate (CCB) Updated rate.
1.1.N.20 Nominee Amended to reflect implementation of the new nominee legislation from 1/7/03.
1.1.N.50 Notional rate of FTB/CCB Deleted topic - replaced by 1.1.A.45
1.1.P.73 Payment nominee Added new definition.
1.1.S.100 Standard hourly rate (CCB) Updated rates. Shared Care & Change of Care Summary Added information on foster carers. Shared Care of an FTB Child Added new topic containing former content of Shared Care Verification of Care Arrangements Clarified verification of shared care and additional evidence in disputed care arrangements. Shared Care & Waiver of FTB by One Carer Added new topic containing former content of Foster Care Topic deleted. Content moved to Shared Care of an FTB Child Topic deleted. Content moved to Change of Care & Disputed Care Arrangements Clarified policy regarding discrepancy in declared care arrangements. Foster Care of an FTB Child Added new topic containing former content of Waiver of FTB Topic deleted. Moved content to Current FTB Rates & Income Test Amounts Updated rates. Maintenance Income Test - General Provisions Updated rates.
3.5.1 CCB Entitlement - General Provisions Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. Calculating the Approved Care Adjustment Percentage Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. Calculating the Approved Care Taxable Income Percentage Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. Calculating the Approved Care Multiple Child Percentage Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 1 Child, Income below Upper Threshold Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 4 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 2 Children, Income above Upper Threshold Changed CCB parameters due to indexation.
3.6.1 FTB Part A - Historical Updated rates.
3.6.2 FTB Rent Assistance - Historical Rates & Thresholds Updated rates.
3.6.3 FTB Part B - Historical Rates Updated rates.
3.6.4 MAT & MIA - Historical Rates Updated rates. CCB - Historical Standard Hourly Rate Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. CCB - Historical Income Thresholds Changed CCB parameters due to indexation. CCB - Historical Maximum Weekly Benefit Updated rates. CCB - Historical Maximum Weekly Entitlement Updated rates.
4.1.3 Nominees Added new section.
4.3.1 FTB Delivery Choices Moved content to FTB Payments Delivered through Centrelink & ATO Added new topic contained revised former content of 4.3.1 FTB Payment Choices for Instalment Customers Added new topic. Continuous Adjustment of FTB for Instalment Customers Added new topic. Payment of Arrears - Financial Hardship Added new topic.
4.3.6 Payments to a Third Party Clarified circumstances where payment can be made to another person and added payment nominees.
4.3.10 Adjustment of FTB for Instalment Customers Deleted topic - see for current policy.
4.3.11 Deferral of FTB for Instalment Customers - More Choice for Families Deleted topic - see for current policy.
4.3.12 Payment of Arrears Following a Deferral Choice of FTB Deleted topic - see for current policy.
4.4.8 Review of FTB - Child Turning 16, 18 or 21 Updated income figures. Adjusted Rate of CCB Revised the terminology from notional rate of CCB to adjusted rate of CCB. Minimum Rate CCB as Reduced Fees - Rest at End of Year Updated family income limits for eligibility to more than the minimum rate of CCB. Continuous Adjustment of CCB Added new topic.
7.2.7 Debt Recovery by Garnishee Updated policy regarding garnishee notices and bankruptcy.
7.2.8 Effect of Bankruptcy on Debt Recovery Clarified policy for repayment of money recovered by deductions. Waiving a Debt Arising from Administrative Error Clarified that administrative error made by Commonwealth. Waiving a Small Debt Clarified general provision for debt amount less than $200.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 2 June 2003 (v1.39)

There were no policy changes for this release.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 14 May 2003 (v1.38)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Rent Assistance Clarified past period claims for Rent Assistance. Specific Requirements for Past Period Claim Added requirements for payment of rent assistance with a past period claim and clarified claim accompanied by an instalment claim.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 14 April 2003 (v1.37)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
2.6.1 CCB Eligibility Criteria for Individuals Clarified CCB approved care eligibility criteria, CCB registered care eligibility criteria, liability to pay for child care and effect on entitlement to CCB if a child is non-immunised. FTB During Absence from Australia Clarified when the 26 week period may be extended for payment of FTB Part A at more than the base rate, FTB Part B and RA. Death of Partner Clarified the formula for annualising the deceased partner's income.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 20 March 2003 (v1.36)

Topic No. Topic Title Change Temporary Absence from Australia Updated example under 'Customer and FTB child both overseas' heading. Rent Assistance Clarified RA eligibility requirements and updated rates and thresholds.
3.3 Maternity Allowance (MAT) Rate Updated current rate.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 3 March 2003 (v1.35)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.C.47 Common law right to receive less Added new definition. Taking Reasonable Maintenance Action Clarified who is required to take action. Reasonable Maintenance Action Completed Expanded details where amount privately collected is different to the assessed amount and the timeframe for transfer to CSA collection. Proof of Parentage Changed description of appeal rights to objection rights. Maintenance Income Test - General Provisions Updated MIFA amounts.
4.3.11 Deferral of FTB for Instalment Customers - More Choice for Families Amended policy to reflect more choice for families. Notional Rate of CCB Added link to definition of common law right to receive less.
6.2 Internal Reviews Added information on date of effect of a favourable decision for a customer initiated review. Non-Lodger Process Clarified how non-lodgers should advise FAO they are not required to lodge a tax return.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 3 February 2003 (v1.34)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
4.3.12 Payment of Arrears Following a Deferral Choice of FTB New section. Change in Delivery Method (FTB) Changed date of effect for revocation and added details regarding date of effect where arrears payable due to financial hardship.

Family Assistance Guide Updates - 6 January 2003 (v1.33)

Topic No. Topic Title Change
1.1.M.60 Minimum hourly rate (CCB) Updated rate.
1.1.R.48 Rounded CCB% New topic.
1.1.S.15 School child, non-school child Amended to reflect trial program in Queensland called Preparing for School. FTB Child in a Blended Family Added new payment options.
2.4.1 Eligibility for MAT Clarified information on eligibility for MAT. Who is Entitled to Apply for Maintenance Clarified shared care of a child and added the effect of legal adoption.
3.5.1 CCB Entitlement Clarified information on estimation of income. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 1 Child, Income below Upper Threshold Added details of rounding to example. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 4 Child, Income above Upper Threshold Added details of rounding to example. CCB Adjustment Percentage Example - 2 Child, Income above Upper Threshold Added details of rounding to example.
4.3.1 Choice of Delivery Method Clarified delivery choices for instalment customers under the More Choice for Families measures. Advance Payment of FTB Instalments Added FTB advances and deferral of FTB to reflect the More Choice for Families measure.
4.3.11 Deferral of FTB for Instalment Customers Updated to reflect the More Choice for Families measure. Change in Delivery Method Updated to reflect the More Choice for Families measure.
4.4.4 Reassessment of FTB - Pension/Benefit Cancelled Clarified policy.
4.6.1 General Provisions for Individual's Claims and Payments Changed treatment of instalment option to fee reduction option.
4.6.2 Approved Care Individual Claim Added details to information required when claiming.
4.6.4 More Choice for Families - CCB New section. Notional Rate of CCB New topic. Minimum Rate CCB as Reduced Fees - Rest at End of Year New topic. Rounding Down CCB% New topic. Customers Affected by Reconciliation Amended treatment of CCB customers not reconciled. Reconciliation Process Updated to reflect the More Choice for Families measure. Outcomes of Non-lodger Process Clarified information on amount of debts to be raised. Treatment of Ex-partners Under Reconciliation Clarified information on tax returns not lodged by 31 March of lodgement year.