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The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

10.13.100 Danish Glossary


This section contains a list of terms used in and applicable to the Agreement with Denmark.

Australian Disability Support Pension/Disability Support Pension

DSP paid under the Agreement is limited to those people who are severely disabled.

Australian PPS/PPS

Under the Agreement with Denmark, PPS can be paid to someone who is a legal widow or widower or to a surviving male or female de facto spouse.


Benefit, for Australia, means a pension, benefit or allowance payable under Australian social security legislation as specified in Article 2 of the Agreement. It also includes any additional amount or increase that is payable to a person who qualifies for that increase. RA, PhA, TAL and RAA are payable to people inside Australia, but are subject to the portability restrictions of the SSAct for people outside Australia.

Danish Anticipatory (Disability) Pension, Danish Anticipatory Pension (Equivalent of Disability)

Benefits include basic disability pension and universal disability supplement. Both payments are income tested. The benefits are payable between ages 18 and 66 provided the person has at least 3 years residence from age 15. An Australian citizen must have been employed or self-employed for at least 12 months of the 3 years. Working capacity must be reduced by at least 50% due to physical, mental and/or social reasons.

Danish Anticipatory Pension (Social Reasons)

The Agreement requires Australian nationals claiming this benefit to meet the following conditions:

  • the person during the qualifying period laid down in the Social Pension Act, must have been physically and mentally capable of carrying on their normal occupation for a continuous period of not less than 12 months in Denmark,
  • the person must have been living permanently in Denmark for a period of not less than 12 months immediately before the pension is claimed,
  • the need for the pension must have arisen while the person was a resident of Denmark,
  • a Danish national resident in Australia is not entitled to award of anticipatory pension for social reasons, and
  • orphans aged under 18 may be eligible for benefits under Family Allowances.
Danish ATP Pension/ATP Pension/ATP Pensions

ATP - the Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension Scheme - is an independent, self-supporting institution which is operated jointly by parties to the labour market. It is part of Denmark's overall social security scheme. ATP covers all wage earners in Denmark. It is financed by contributions which are paid by both employees and employers. Members pay contributions during the years they are actively participating in the labour market. ATP benefits are payable at age 67 (reduces to 65 from 1 July 2004). A minimum of one year of contributions is required. There is no earnings or income test on ATP benefits.

Danish Old-Age Pension, Old-Age Pension

Basic old-age pension and universal old-age supplement are payable from age 67 (reduces to 65 from 1 July 2004). To qualify for pension a person must have at least 3 years residence from age 15 to age 67. An Australian citizen must have been employed or self-employed for at least 12 months of the 3 years. To receive a full pension a person must have 40 years residence. An earnings test is applied to basic old-age pension and an income test is applied to universal old-age supplement.


Refers to the Danish national territory, with the exception of Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Labour Market Supplementary Pension Office (Arbejdmarkedets Tillagspension)

Kongens Vaenge 8
DK-3400 Hilleroed

Phone: 0011 45 4820 4923
Fax: 0015 45 4820 4800
Email: [email protected]

National Security Agency (Pensionsstyrelsen)

Landemaerket 11
1119 Copenhagen K

Telephone: 0011 45 3391 5000
Facsimile: 0015 45 3391 5654
Email: [email protected]

When contacting the agency, reference should be made to the person's DOB, or a Danish civil code.

Period of Australian Working Life Residence

Means a period of Australian working life residence as defined in the SS(IntAgree)Act, but excludes a period deemed to be a period of Australian residence in Article 7 of the Agreement.

Period of Residence in Denmark/Periods of Residence in Denmark - Danish Glossary

Means a period when a person was habitually and legally resident in Denmark.

Widowed Person/s

A widowed person is a person who has become widowed by the death of a partner and who does not yet have another partner. A widowed person includes males and females who have become widowed by the death of their de jure or de facto spouses. Under the Agreement, widowed persons may be paid PPS.

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