Australia to Estonia & Estonia to Australia
Moving between Australia & Estonia
Australian benefits covered by the Agreement with Estonia are portable indefinitely when the person travels between Australia and Estonia.
Australia to Estonia
People paid under the Agreement who leave Australia permanently to live in Estonia will have their rate calculated using the outside Australia rate in as soon as they leave Australia.
People paid under the Agreement who reside in Australia and travel overseas temporarily will continue to have their rate calculated under the inside Australia rate in for up to 26 weeks.
Estonia to Australia
People who come to live in Australia from Estonia and rely on the Agreement for an Australian benefit may have their rate calculated using the inside Australia rate in as soon as they arrive in Australia. The autonomous rate can be paid when they have 10 years of residence in Australia. People paid under the Agreement who reside in Estonia and travel to Australia temporarily will continue to have their rate calculated under the outside Australia rate in for up to 26 weeks. Once they have been in Australia for more than 26 weeks, their rate will be calculated under the inside Australia rate in
Act reference: SS(IntAgree)Act Schedule 32 Republic of Estonia
Policy reference: SS Guide 7.1.1 Portability legislation, Application of portability rules (portability table)