Exempt Payments - Agreement with Italy
Exempt payments
Article 10 of the Agreement with Italy allows for the following Italian benefits to be exempt from the income test that is applied to Australian benefits:
- Italian integration and/or social supplement (Importo dell'integrazione al minimoan/or Importo differenziale ex L.335/95),
- family benefit for dependents (Importo degli assegni per il nucleo familiare a favore del coniuge and Importo degli assegni a favore dei figli),
- social allowance (maggioranza sociale), and
- social pension (pensione sociale, assegno sociale) paid by Italy as non-contributory welfare support.
Note: This applies to people who are being paid the outside Australia rate in and people who are being paid the inside Australia rate in
Act reference: SS(IntAgree)Act Schedule 2 Italy
Policy reference: SS Guide Outside Australia Rate - Agreement with Italy, Inside Australia Rate - Agreement with Italy