10.5.100 Canadian glossary
This section contains definitions of terms applicable to the Agreement with Canada.
- Benefit
Benefit, for Australia, means a pension, benefit or allowance payable under Australian social security legislation as specified in Article 2 of the Agreement. This includes Age and, in some cases, CP, DSP and PPS (see definitions below). It also includes any additional amount or increase that is payable to a person who qualifies for that increase, including pension supplement and RA for people in Australia. Any additional amounts are subject to the portability restrictions under the SSAct for people outside Australia.
Note: Although listed as Australian benefits covered in Article 2 of the Agreement, from 20 March 2020, WidB and BVA ceased. Recipients of these payments were transferred to another payment, such as Age, where eligible.
Benefit, for Canada, means a pension, benefit or allowance payable under Canadian Social Welfare Acts as specified in Article 2 of the Agreement.
More information on contributory benefits under Canadian law is available from Employment and Social Development Canada.
- Carer payment
Under the Agreement, CP can only be paid to the partner of an Age or DSP recipient. That partner must have been an Australian resident at some time.
- Disability support pension
When the original Agreement was negotiated, DSP was known as 'invalid pension'. The original Agreement covered DSP for both the severely disabled and the non-severely disabled. New grants of DSP under the current agreement are limited to individuals who are severely disabled (non-severely disabled recipients granted under the original Agreement were grandfathered and remain eligible).
- Parenting payment (single)
Under the Agreement with Canada, PPS can be paid to someone who is a widow or widower or to a surviving male or female de facto spouse.