Quarterly interview
A job seeker assessed as having a temporary reduced work capacity of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week, or a partial capacity to work with an assessed capacity to work 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week, is able to satisfy requirements by attending a quarterly interview with Centrelink.
Note: People with an assessed capacity to work within the next 2 years of 0-7 or 8-14 hours may be eligible for DSP (3.6.1) if they meet other eligibility criteria for DSP.
Quarterly interviews
Quarterly interviews aim to keep people who are unable to work due to illness, injury or disability, connected to the labour market. They also aim to inform them about the benefits of work and services available to help them find work. During a quarterly interview, Centrelink may:
- discuss the job seeker's most recent ESAt/JCA and assistance recommendations from that assessment
- provide information on the benefits of working and the incentives available to encourage workforce participation, including MOB, working credit and income thresholds
- encourage job search
- discuss the option and benefits of voluntary work
- discuss the employment services available and make referrals where appropriate
- discuss education or vocational training options
- look at social participation and community assistance options and make referrals where appropriate
- outline the benefits of planning for the future
- outline the disadvantages of long term income support dependence, and
- explore eligibility for other income support payments.
Job seekers who are satisfying requirements by attending a quarterly activity with Centrelink will not be required to work, look for work, or engage in any suitable program of assistance recommended by their ESAt/JCA. They will be fully satisfying their requirements by attending a quarterly interview with Centrelink to discuss their participation.
They may volunteer to work, look for work or engage in a suitable program of assistance. However, they cannot face compliance action for not working enough hours or looking for enough jobs, or for not attending appointments at their program of assistance.
Job seekers who voluntarily look for work or engage in a suitable program of assistance must continue to attend a quarterly interview with Centrelink. Those with an assessed capacity to work of 0-7 hours a week who work for 8 or more hours a week and those with an assessed capacity to work of 8-14 hours a week who work for 15 or more hours a week will not be required to attend a quarterly interview while they remain in work.
Job seekers who are satisfying requirements by attending a quarterly interview with Centrelink may be subject to compliance action if they fail to attend an interview with Centrelink.