Qualification for ex-CA (child) HCC for 16-25 year old students
Qualification (1.1.Q.10) criteria
To qualify for the ex-CA (child) HCC, a person must meet the criteria listed in the following table. If more detail about a criterion is required, the second column indicates where you will find this.
Criterion | More detail |
ALL of the following | |
Be aged at least 16 and have not turned 26, AND | |
Be a full-time student, AND | This topic |
Be an Australian resident, living in Australia at the time of lodging the claim, AND | 3.1.1 Residence requirements |
Be the former holder of a CA HCC who held it the day before their 16th birthday, AND | HCC Provisions for Children & Dependants |
Have provided a contact address, AND | |
Have supplied sufficient POI documents. |
No personal or parental income or asset test is applicable.
Act reference: SSAct section 7(2)-'Australian resident'
Proper claim
A person must lodge a proper claim before the ex-CA (child) HCC can be granted.
Act reference: SSAct section 1061ZO(9) Qualification (ex-CA (child) HCC)
Policy reference: SS Guide 8.1.1 Claim lodgement provisions
Carers, dependants & the ex-CA (child) HCC
The card may be claimed by 16-25 year olds who were CA (child) care receivers. If granted, it will be issued to, and in the name of, the claimant. The card is not issued to a former CA (child) care recipient's parent or carer. No dependants can be listed on this card. The ex-CA (child) HCC will be issued for a 12 month period, subject to ongoing eligibility. Cardholders will need to reapply each year, providing confirmation of their student status.
Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 240B(2) Restrictions on listing of dependants
Am I an ex-CA (child) care receiver?
The ex-CA (child) HCC may be claimed by former care receivers who attracted a CA HCC only and those who entitled their carer to payment of CA. This is provided they had a CA HCC on the day before their 16th birthday. As long as they remain in full-time study, ex-CA (child) care receivers may be eligible for the ex-CA (child) HCC until their 26th birthday.
In the event that a person made a claim for CA (child) before 1 October 2007 which was not determined before the care receiver turned 16 years of age, transitional provisions have been included in the legislation. If the CA (child) claim decision determines that the care receiver would have been entitled to a CA HCC on the day before their 16th birthday, then the care receiver is eligible to claim the ex-CA (child) HCC.
Act reference: SSAct section 953 Qualification for CA-caring for either 1 or 2 disabled children, section 1061ZK(3) Qualification: general rules, section 1061ZO(9) Qualification (ex-CA (child) HCC)
Policy reference: SS Guide HCC Provisions for Children & Dependants
Full-time student status
A full-time student can be accepted as undertaking at least three-quarters of a full-time study-load, consistent with ABSTUDY, Austudy, PES and YA requirements. An apprentice does not meet the definition of 'student'.
What if I take a break from studying?
A person may lose qualification for a period but can reclaim at any time after turning 16 and before reaching 26 years of age.
Example: Tanya is 18 years old and commences full-time study at university. She claims and is granted the ex-CA (child) HCC. After first semester she defers her studies for personal reasons. Tanya loses qualification for the ex-CA (child) HCC when she stops studying. She recommences her full-time studies the following year. Tanya is able to make a claim for the ex-CA (child) HCC again as she has recommenced full-time study.
Cardholders travelling overseas
Ex-CA (child) HCCs can remain current if the holder departs Australia temporarily.
Act reference: SSAct section 1061ZO(9) Qualification (ex-CA (child) HCC)
Residence requirements
A protected SCV holder may qualify for the ex-CA (child) HCC.
Act reference: SSAct section 7(2)-'Australian resident'
Policy reference: SS Guide 3.1.1 Residence requirements
Residence qualification - international health agreements
Visitors from other countries including those with which Australia has an international health care agreement are NOT residentially qualified for an ex-CA (child) HCC. These people however may wish to enquire at a Medicare office about their eligibility for Medicare assistance.
Prisoners & detainees
Prisoners and detainees are prevented from qualifying for social security payments, and the concession cards that are automatically issued with these payments, under SSAct section 1158.
Prisoners and detainees are also prevented from qualifying for claim-required concession cards like the ex-CA (child) HCC and the LIC, under section SSAct 1159A.
Act reference: SSAct section 1158 Some social security payments not payable during period in gaol or in psychiatric confinement following criminal charge, section 1159A Person not qualified for some concession cards when in gaol or in psychiatric confinement following criminal charge
Entitlement to other HCCs & ex-CA (child) HCC
A person can have entitlement to multiple concession cards. However, only the most appropriate card will be issued to the person.