Termination of HCC
Declaration expires
The LIC is granted for a period of 52 weeks and a declaration is made that the holder is eligible for that period.
When a LIC holder's declaration is nearing expiry (usually 4 weeks beforehand) a renewal form (SS054) is automatically sent to them. A cardholder is able to renew the card before the previous card expires.
The ex-CA (child) HCC is granted for a period of 52 weeks and a declaration is made that the holder is eligible for that period.
When an ex-CA (child) HCC holder's declaration is nearing expiry (usually 4 weeks beforehand) a letter is automatically sent to them advising them to renew their card. A cardholder is able to renew the card before the previous card expires.
Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 37(8) Grant of claim, section 37A(3) A person to whom a concession card…
Application form returned or not returned
The following table outlines the consequences of returning or not returning the renewal form:
If the renewal application is… | Then… |
eligibility automatically lapses. Explanation: Return of a HCC is not sought where eligibility expires. |
Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 106A Automatic cancellation on cessation of qualification
Policy reference: SS Guide LIC - assessment of income
Cardholders with dependants (1.1.D.65)
A LIC holder with a dependant may cease to satisfy the income test either:
- because of an increase in their income, or
- through the loss of a dependant.
- Explanation: In the case of a loss of dependant, the disqualifying income limit reduces.
The loss of a dependant is to be disregarded unless that loss continues for 4 weeks. In that event the dependant is deemed to have ceased to be a dependant of the cardholder on the last day of that 4 week period.