Treatment of PLP
These rules apply to the assessment of income from PLP.
General information
PLP is counted as income for social security purposes where the payment is in respect of a child who was born on or after 1 October 2016 or a child who became entrusted to the care of the person on or after 1 October 2016. PLP is counted as ordinary income. PLP is not treated as employment income.
Act reference: SSAct section 8(1)-'income amount', section 8(1A)-'employment income', section 1072 General meaning of ordinary income
Assessment period
The gross rate of PLP is assessed as income for the period that the entitlement relates to.
Deductions from PLP to avoid overpayments
Because PLP is assessed as income for the period that the entitlement relates to, overpayments of social security payments may occur when PLP is granted after the eligibility date and arrears are paid.
Where this has occurred, deductions may be made from PLP arrears instalments equal to the amount of social security payment that would be overpaid.
Act reference: PPLAct section 69A Deductions to avoid overpayment of income support payment