AGDRP - current rates
Current rates
The rate for AGDRP is determined by the Minister for Emergency Management (the Minister).
The current adult rate of AGDRP is $1,000. Where the Minister has not made a determination in relation to a particular financial year, the adult rate of AGDRP will be the rate most recently determined by the Minister. Please consult the relevant operational instructions for each AGDRP activation to confirm the current rate of payment.
The current child rate of AGDRP is $400. Where the Minister has not made a determination in relation to a particular financial year, the child rate of AGDRP will be the rate most recently determined by the Minister. Please consult the relevant operational instructions for each AGDRP activation to confirm the current rate of payment.
Timing of payments
Payment will usually be made as a lump sum. There is a provision that enables the Chief Executive Officer of Services Australia to determine that, if it is appropriate to do so, the person's payment can be paid in instalments. Specific circumstances of each disaster will determine the actual timing and method of payment.
Explanation: The circumstances of an event will determine whether AGDRP claims are likely to be paid in instalments.