The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.

6.10 Review of social security decisions & the appeals system


The social security review and appeals system consists of internal and external review mechanisms.

Where an individual does not understand a decision, they can request an explanation of the decision, which will be provided by a Subject Matter Expert (SME). Where an individual does not agree with a decision, they can apply for a formal review of the decision which will be undertaken by an ARO.

The levels and order of reviews and appeals are as follows:

  • internal review process
  • an explanation by an SME, and/or
  • a formal review by an ARO (1.1.A.350), and
  • after formal review by an ARO, an external appeal to the
    • ART - ART review
    • ART - second review
    • Federal Court, and
    • High Court.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act Part 4 Internal review of decisions

Decisions made using computer programs

The Secretary may arrange for the use of computer programs for any purposes for which decisions may be made under the social security law. Decisions made by computer programs are taken to be decisions made by the Secretary. This means, for example, where entitlement determinations are made using computer programs such as rate calculators, they can be reviewed as though the decisions were made by the Secretary.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 6A Secretary may arrange for use of computer programs to make decisions

Review body may determine events to have happened

If the Secretary, the delegate or ART (the review body) sets a decision aside and is satisfied that an event would have happened had the original decision not been made, then that event can be deemed to have happened for the purpose of the social security law.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 126 Review of decisions by Secretary, section 135 Review of decisions following application under section 129, section 183 Secretary or ART may treat event as having occurred

Withdrawal of application for internal review of a decision

A person may withdraw their application for internal review of a decision under social security law at any time before the review has been completed.

An application that is withdrawn is taken to have not been made. An application may be withdrawn orally or in writing, or in any other matter approved by the Secretary.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 130 Withdrawal of application

Notice of decision to be given following an application for internal review of a decision

A notice must be provided to the applicant following the review of a decision. The notice must:

  • be in writing
  • state the effect of the decision
  • set out the reasons for the decision
  • set out the findings by the decision maker on material questions of fact
  • refer to the evidence on which those findings were based
  • provide further information about further rights of review to the ART, and
  • have regard to the matters (if any) prescribed by the Rules.

Act reference: SS(Admin)Act section 136 Notice of decision on review, section 138 Notification of further rights of review

ARTAct section 267 Decision-maker must have regard to rules when giving notice of decision

External reviews

A person may apply to the ART for a review of a Centrelink decision. While the Secretary remains a party to the proceedings, in most cases the Secretary will not be an active participant in the proceedings and the matter will be reviewed using documents and records provided by Centrelink. Applications can be made in written or oral form to the ART.

Following an ART review decision, a party affected by the decision may apply for an ART second review. An ART review decision can also be appealed to the Federal Court (on an error of law).

The guidance & appeals panel

The guidance and appeals panel is a way of constituting the Tribunal at a more senior level. The guidance and appeals panel is able to conduct reviews of some administrative decisions made by agencies and re-review decision made by the ART.

The guidance and appeals panel will broadly be constituted to consider matters where there is either an issue of significance to administrative decision-making, or the ART decision contains an error of fact or law that materially affects the decision.

Applications for review of social services decisions cannot be made directly to the guidance and appeals panel, as the ART already accommodates for two reviews of such decisions (ART review and ART second review). However, the President of the ART may refer an application for an ART review or second review of an eligible social services decision to the guidance and appeals Panel on their own initiative.

Act reference: ARTAct section 122 President may refer application for review of decision to guidance and appeals panel, section 131W Guidance and appeals panel

Additional information

For more information on review of Centrelink decisions and the appeals process, please visit: Explanations and formal reviews of a Centrelink decision - Accessing our services - Services Australia.

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