The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia.
Keyword: Last relevant year of income
- Above primary care
- Access
- Additional income earned post separation
- Adjusted taxable income
- Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act
- Administrative formula
- Administrative Review Tribunal
- Advising affected parents
- Affecting event - court order or court-registered agreement
- Agency collect
- Agency reimbursement liability
- Agreement
- Alienation of income
- Alignment of care
- Allowance or benefit
- Amending child support assessments
- Annual rate
- Appealing a decision
- Application
- Apportionment
- Arrears
- Artificial conception
- Assessment
- Assessment notice
- Asset rich
- ATI indexation factor
- Australian citizen (child)
- Australian citizen (payer)
- Australian residence
- Authorisation
- Authorised representative
- Cap on costs of children
- Capacity to earn
- Care
- Central authority
- Change in care
- Change of assessment (COA)
- Change of circumstances
- Changing a court-registered agreement
- Child
- Child care costs
- Child maintenance agreement
- Child maintenance order
- Child over 18
- Child Support Account
- Child support agreement
- Child support application
- Child support assessment
- Child support collection
- Child support formula
- Child support income
- Child support payments
- Child support percentage
- Child support period
- Child Support Register
- Child support scheme
- Child support year
- Child's disability - expenses
- Child's education and training - expenses
- Child's income - change of assessment
- Child's special needs - expenses
- Citizenship
- Collecting information
- Collection
- Collection agency liability
- Combined child support income
- Commonwealth information order
- Commonwealth Ombudsman
- Compensation
- Conference - change of assessment
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Contact
- Contact costs
- Contrary decision
- Convention - international
- Cost percentage
- Court applications
- Court documents - forwarding
- Court order
- Court-ordered departure
- Court-registered agreement
- De facto maintenance order
- Debt
- Debt enforcement
- Deceased
- Deduction from salary or wages
- Default income
- Defence force benefits
- Delegation
- Departure from assessment
- Departure order
- Departure prohibition order (DPO)
- Dependent child
- Disability of child expenses
- Disbursement
- Disputed care
- Domestic violence
- Due date
- Duty to maintain
- Earning capacity
- Education and training expenses
- Election to end a child support assessment
- Eligible carer
- Eligible carer - non-parent carer
- Eligible child
- Employer obligations
- Employer records
- Employer withholding
- Ending child support assessments
- Entitlement to payment
- Error correction
- Estimate of income – before 1 July 2010
- Extending assessment - child 18
- Extension of time to object
- Family Law Act orders that affect assessments
- Family tax benefit (FTB)
- Family violence
- Financial agreement
- Financially independent child
- Fixed annual rate assessment
- Forms - lodgment
- Formula assessment
- Forwarding documents
- Freedom of information
- Fringe benefits
- Fringe benefits - change of assessment
- Identity - proof
- Income
- Income alienation
- Income amount order
- Income estimate
- Income percentage
- Income poor
- Independent (financially) child
- Indexation - registrable maintenance liability
- Information
- Instrument of authorisation
- Instrument of delegation
- International agreement
- International arrangements
- International conventions
- Interpreters
- Interpreting court orders
- Joint election - Registrar initiated change of assessment
- Joint election - suspend collection after change in care (court order or court-registered agreement)
- Judicial Review of CS decisions
- Jurisdictions - reciprocating
- Just and equitable
- Late payment penalty
- Legal duty to maintain
- Legal professional privilege
- Legislative amendments
- Location order
- Lodging applications and forms
- Low income parents
- Low-income non-enforcement period (LINEP) - registrable maintenance liability
- Lump sum order
- Lump sum payment
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) payment
- National Redress Scheme payment
- Necessary commitments
- New Zealand agreement
- Non-agency payment (NAP)
- Non-parent carer
- Non-periodic amount - agreement
- Notice
- Notice to provide information
- Notification of a court order
- Notional assessment
- Objection
- Offences
- Offsetting debts
- Ombudsman
- Otherwise proper
- Overpayment - parentage overpayment orders
- Overpayments
- Overseas authority
- Overseas cases
- Overseas income
- Overseas maintenance liability
- Parentage
- Parentage declarations
- Parental leave payments
- Parenting plans
- Payee
- Payee overpayment - court order for refund
- Payer
- Payment arrangements
- Penalty
- Pension
- Percentage
- Periodic amount
- Personal information
- Post separation income
- Power of attorney
- Prescribed non-agency payment
- Primary care
- Privacy
- Private collect
- Private school fees
- Privileged information
- Proof of identity
- Prosecutions
- Protected earnings
- Provisional notional assessment
- Reason 1
- Reason 10
- Reason 2
- Reason 3
- Reason 4
- Reason 5
- Reason 6
- Reason 7
- Reason 8
- Reason 9
- Reasons for change of assessment
- Reciprocating jurisdictions
- Reconciliation
- Reconciling an income estimate
- Reconsidering CS decision
- Recovering overpayment - from payee direct
- Register
- Registrable maintenance liability
- Registrar
- Registrar's powers
- Registrar-initiated change of assessment
- Regular care
- relationship
- Releasing information
- Relevant dependent child
- Representatives - authorised
- Residence
- Response
- Responsibility to maintain resident child
- Review (Judicial) of CS decision
- Review of CS decision
- Right to respond
- Right to respond - objection
- Salary deduction
- Salary sacrifice
- School fees
- Secrecy provisions
- Secretary
- Section 106A declaration (CSA Act)
- Section 107 declaration (CSA Act)
- Section 120 notice (CSRC Act)
- Section 143 order (CSA Act)
- Section 161 notice (CSA Act)
- Section 72A notice (CSRC Act)
- Self-support
- Self-support amount
- Self-supporting child
- Serving documents and notices
- Shared care
- Solicitor
- Special needs of the child - expenses
- Spousal maintenance order
- Stay order
- Step-child - relevant dependent child
- Step-child – responsibility to maintain
- Step-parent - legal duty to maintain
- Step-parent orders
- Subpoena
- Substituted service
- Summary of information
- Superannuation
- Surrogacy
- Suspend collection - registrable maintenance liability
- Suspending payments – parentage
- Suspension of child support agreements
- Suspension of liability on reconciliation
- Suspension of liability when change in eligible carer
- Tax file number (TFN)
- Tax refund intercept
- Taxable income
- Taxation information
- Terminating event
- Third party information
- Top up