1.1.T.70 Type of care (CCS)
For the purposes of CCS, the type of care refers to one of the following types of approved child care services (1.1.A.90) that a family may use:
- centre-based day care (CBDC)
- family day care (FDC)
- in home care (IHC)
- outside school hours care (OSHC).
CBDC services provide care primarily to children not yet attending school and are open for a minimum of 48 weeks per year.
FDC is a network of individuals providing child care in their own homes for other people's children, organised and supported by a central coordination unit. FDC is primarily aimed at children not yet attending school, but can also assist school aged children. FDC is a flexible service type providing a range of options.
IHC is a flexible form of child care where care is provided in the child's home by an approved child care service. IHC is capped at 3,200 child care places nationally. IHC may be available for individuals eligible for CCS who can demonstrate that other types of approved care are not suitable or available, and where one or more of the following criteria apply:
- where parents or carers are working non-standard or variable hours, outside normal child care service hours
- parents or carers are geographically isolated from other types of approved care, particularly in rural and remote locations
- the family has challenging or complex needs, including where families are experiencing challenging situations, and other approved child care services are not able to meet the needs of the child or the family.
OSHC services primarily provide care outside normal school hours to children who attend school. The care may be:
- before school
- after school
- on pupil-free days, and
- during school holidays (vacation care).
OSHC services are required to be open for a minimum of 7 weeks per year.
Act reference: FA(Admin)Act section 195C Conditions for continued approval—operating period for each approved child care service
CCSMinRules section 49C Maximum number of child care places that can be allocated