The Guides to Social Policy Law is a collection of publications designed to assist decision makers administering social policy law. The information contained in this publication is intended only as a guide to relevant legislation/policy. The information is accurate as at the date listed at the bottom of the page, but may be subject to change. To discuss individual circumstances please contact Services Australia. ACCS (child wellbeing) - eligibility


This topic explains ACCS (child wellbeing) eligibility considerations for individuals (1.1.I.90) and child care providers (1.1.A.90) and covers:

  • eligibility for ACCS (child wellbeing)
  • limitations on eligibility.

Eligibility for ACCS (child wellbeing)

ACCS (child wellbeing) is available to individuals where they:

  • are eligible for CCS (2.6.1)
  • care for a child who is 'at risk' (1.1.A.110) of serious abuse or neglect.

In order to access ACCS (child wellbeing), an approved provider must give a certificate (1.1.C.15) or apply for a determination (1.1.D.78) for the child.

There may be no CCS eligible individual for a child at risk of serious abuse of neglect where:

  • the approved provider is unable to identify an eligible individual for a child (for example, where the individual does not meet the CCS residency requirements), or
  • a child is in a formal foster care arrangement (including kinship care).

In these limited circumstances a provider may still access ACCS (child wellbeing) under a Provider Eligible Arrangement (PEA) ( for limited periods.

Limitation on eligibility

There are some circumstances where the individual and approved provider may not be eligible for ACCS (child wellbeing) in relation to a child. This includes where:

  • the eligibility requirements for CCS are not met (2.6.1) and there is no valid exemption
  • there is no CCS eligible individual, and the child does not meet the criteria for a PEA
  • a child is no longer considered at risk.

Act reference: FAAct section 85BA Eligibility for CCS, section 85CA Eligibility for ACCS (child wellbeing), section 85ED No eligibility for child who is in care of State or Territory or member of prescribed class

Policy reference: FA Guide 2.6.1 CCS eligibility, ACCS (child wellbeing) - provider eligible enrolment

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